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哈瓦那——Manuel Hernandez-Triana博士肩负着努力帮助古巴人更加长寿和更加健康的使命。他有幸在一个好公司工作。他说.古巴对卫生保健的长期重视使他周围有一群盼望着打造高记录的人。这个发展中国家仅有两个量度的排名——平均寿命和婴儿死亡率——可以与远远富裕的国家相提并论。古巴人的预计寿命能达到76岁,可以与瑞典的79岁多相匹敌,与包括美国在内的大部分邻国相比,古巴的婴儿死亡率较低。 Havana - Dr. Manuel Hernandez-Triana shoulders the mission of helping Cubans live longer and healthier lives. He is fortunate to work in a good company. He said that Cuba’s long-term emphasis on health care has given him a group of people who are looking forward to creating high records. The only two rankings in this developing country – life expectancy and infant mortality – can be compared with countries that are far more affluent. The Cuban life expectancy can reach 76 years and can match Sweden’s 79-year-old. Compared with most of the neighboring countries including the United States, Cuba has a lower infant mortality rate.
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当我们看到飞驰而过的财富快车时,却发现自己手中没有上车的车票     当前,个税起征点问题仍在热烈讨论中,特别是针对3000元的个税起征,公众意见较大。相对于比较微观、就事论事的讨论,笔者认为,其实有必要透过个税问题看国民经济的分配问题,进而更好地把握改革方向。笔者研究的一个基本结论就是,当前个税改革的争论仅仅是一场舞台剧,大背景则深深地刻着4个大字“国富民穷”以及财政支出的非公共性使用!  改革
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