据新华社2001年12月28日消息,从国家计委获悉,我国已对2002年“西电东送”工程做了如下安排: 北部通道将开发“三西”(山西、蒙西、陕西)地区的煤电基地,重点开工一批发电项目和向京津唐、河北南网的输变电工程,为黄河上游水电东送打基础;中部将抓紧建设三峡至广东及其它三峡送出工程,为三峡投产后顺利送出做好准备;
According to Xinhua News Agency, December 28, 2001, it was learned from the State Development Planning Commission that China has already made the following arrangements for the project “West to East Power Transmission Project” in 2002: The Northern Corridor will develop “Three Wests” (Shanxi and Mongolia West and Shaanxi) areas, focusing on starting a number of power generation projects and transmission and transformation projects to Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan and Hebei South Networks to lay the foundation for the transmission of hydropower to the upper reaches of the Yellow River; the central government will pay close attention to the construction of the Three Gorges to Guangdong and other Three Gorges Send out the project and prepare for the smooth delivery of the Three Gorges after its operation;