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1984年,时任中共中央书记处书记的胡启立同志和时任国务院副总理的田纪云同志率领的西藏调研组,奔走在雅鲁藏布江畔。无心观赏青藏高原上壮美的景象,调研组此行专为了解西藏自治区贯彻落实1980年“中央西藏工作座谈会”精神的情况而来。13天后,在向党中央、国务院呈递的调查报告中,触及一个重要观点:恶劣的自然环境不是西藏经济落后的最根本原因,最根本原因是西藏人才的匮乏!在内地办西藏班(校)的构想第一次在上述报告中被提了出来:“采取集中与分散相结合的原则……考虑在北京、成都、兰州等地相对集中办西藏班,其他有条件的省市分配一定名额,由西藏选送年龄10到12岁的小学生。……学制由教育部同西藏自治区进一步研究确定。其中少数优秀的可以选送到高等院校深造。”1985-2005,西藏中学走过整整二十年历程。迄今为止,全国范围内已有26个省市开办了西藏中学或西藏班;很多当年的“西藏班”学生如今都成了建设西藏的骨干。在中国政府独创的这一办学模式中,北京西藏中学是其中的一个代表。从1991有了第一届初中毕业生,1992年有了第一届高中毕业生;到2005年已有13届(1135人)初中毕业生(2003年为最后一届),14届(1828人)高中毕业生--迄今为止,从北京西藏中学毕业的学生,已有1000人从大学毕业返回西藏参加工作。20年后,当我们回头巡阅北京西藏中学的历程,我们看到:她早已成为那些来自西藏的少年们孕育梦想的摇篮…… In 1984, the Tibet Research Group led by Comrade Hu Qili and secretary of the State Council Vice Premier Tian Jiyun, then secretary of the CPC Central Committee’s department, ran along the Brahmaputra. Inadvertently watching the spectacular scenery on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the delegation from the research group specifically came to understand the implementation of the spirit of the Central Tibet Work Symposium in the Tibet Autonomous Region in 1980. In the investigation report submitted to the Party Central Committee and the State Council 13 days later, one important point came in the investigation report: The bad natural environment is not the most fundamental reason for the backward economy in Tibet. The most fundamental reason is the lack of talented people in Tibet. For the first time in the above report: “Take the principle of combining centralization and decentralization ... Consider allocating a certain quota to Tibetans and other qualified provinces and municipalities in Beijing, Chengdu and Lanzhou, etc. , From Tibet to send primary school students aged 10 to 12. The school system was further determined by the Ministry of Education and the Tibet Autonomous Region and a few of them could be sent to institutions of higher education for further studies. ”“ From 1985 to 2005, a total of twenty Year of the process. So far, 26 provinces and municipalities throughout the country have opened Tibetan middle schools or classes in Tibet; many of the students of the ”Tibetan classes" nowadays have become the backbone of building Tibet. Among the mode of running schools originally created by the Chinese government, Beijing Tibet Middle School is one of them. The first junior high school graduates from 1991 and the first high school graduates from 1992. By 2005 there have been 13 (1135) junior high school graduates (the last one in 2003), 14 (1828 ) High School Graduates - So far, 1,000 graduates from Beijing Tibet High School have returned to Tibet from college to work. Twenty years later, when we look back at the history of Beijing Middle School in Tibet, we see that she has long become the cradle of those young people from Tibet who conceived their dream ...
近日,不少南京大学校友的朋友圈都被这样一封《上南京大学莫砺锋教授书》给刷了屏。这封用文言文撰写的自荐信长达3000多字,章法规整、引经据典丰富,很多南大古典文献专业的研究生都赞叹不已。书信的作者是安徽宣城一位高三应届毕业生高宽,他在高考中只考了493分,未达安徽省高招本二分数线。他希望借着这封书信,让莫教授为他“指条路”。  莫砺锋老师在认真阅读了高宽的书信后评语道,“该生读过不少书,文言也写得中
患儿 男,4岁,因剧烈头痛、腹痛、呕吐、高热、双腮腺肿大1天入院,患儿无流行性腮腺炎接触史。入院查体:体温39.8℃,呼吸28次/分,血压14/9Kpa,脉搏 110次/分,营养差,精神萎靡,意识不清,双侧腮腺以耳垂为中心
A class of one-way isothermal mass transfer processes with Fick’s diffusive mass transfer law[g ∝Δ(c)]is investigated in this paper.Based on the definition o