
来源 :西南民族大学学报(人文社科版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ary015
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1940年3月14日,在抗战大后方成都发生“抢米”事件。此事件之所以震惊一时,是因为国共两党都将事件定性为对方策划制造的政治事件。60多年过去了,今天对此事件作理性考察,其实事件本身是一场因天灾而致粮食减产、因抗战而至入川人口暴增、政府征粮过重,更严重的是巨额游资的囤积居奇等一系列复杂因素激起的自发性民变。这场民变却由于国共两党根深蒂固的不信任,更由于整个抗战时期国民党方面“限制共党之发展”的基本方针所在,国民党方面认定此事件系共产党煽动,并借此镇压中共四川地下组织。由此引发中共激烈反弹,认定此事件纯系国民党特务蓄谋策划制造以嫁祸。于是,一场本为自发性的民变事件转化为国共摩擦的政治事件。但国共均能把摩擦控制在两党合作不遭破裂的限度内,反映了国共对民族利益的共同体认。 On March 14, 1940, a “rush to rice” incident occurred in Chengdu, the rear area of ​​the war of resistance. This incident was shocked because both the KMT and CPC have characterized the incident as a political incident planned and manufactured by the other party. More than 60 years have passed. Today, this incident makes a rational investigation. In fact, the incident itself is a result of natural disasters, a decrease in grain output, an upsurge of population infiltration into Sichuan due to the war of resistance against Japan, excessive government requisition of grain, and even more serious hoarding of huge amounts of hot money. A series of complex factors provoked spontaneous civil commotion. Because of the deep-rooted mistrust of both the Kuomintang and the Communist Party and the fundamental policy of “restricting the development of the Communist Party” throughout the Kuomintang during the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Kuomintang recognized the incident as being incitement by the Communist Party and thereby suppressing the underground organization of the Sichuan Province in Sichuan . This triggered a fierce rebound by the CCP, which affirmed that this incident was purely planned by the Kuomintang agents and planned to create blames. Thus, a spontaneous civil commotion turned into a political incident of Kuomintang-Communist friction. However, the KMT and the Kuomintang have all been able to control their friction within the limits of not rupturing their bipartisan cooperation and reflect the common understanding of the national interests of the Kuomintang and Communist Party.
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