Effects of thermal treatment on the structure and optical properties of carbon nitride films

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yufengdong
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Carbon nitride films,especially β-C_3N_4, as a new predicted superhard material,havebeen studied extensively during the past several years since they exhibit potentialphysical and chemical properties.In consideration of the thermal behavior of CN_xfilms,much attention has been focused on the influence of temperatures at substrate on de-positing process.However,we have not obtained sufficient information concerningthermal behavior of CN_x films annealed in air for a long time,particularly the relation Carbon nitride films, especially β-C_3N_4, as a new predicted superhard material, havebeen studied extensively during the past several years since they exhibit potential physical and chemical properties. Consideration of the thermal behavior of CN_xfilms, much attention has been focused on the influence of temperatures at substrate on de-positing process. However, we have not achieved sufficient information concerning thermal behavior of CN_x films annealed in air for a long time, particularly the relation
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