共筑诚信,是全社会的共同呼唤,也是今年全国“两会”人大代表、政协委员的强烈呼吁。人无信不立,企无诚不兴。共筑诚信,是企业提高素质,增强竞争实力,使之兴旺发达的重要保证。 要守法守德。法律和道德,是共筑诚信的根本保证。法制和道德意识差,是绝对不会严守诚信的。纵观现实,一切制售假劣商品、坑蒙欺骗消费者等不诚信之事,均是违法违德行为。
To build good faith together is the common call of the whole society and is also a strong appeal made by NPC deputies and CPPCC members throughout the country this year. No one does not believe that people, enterprises do not honestly resentment. To build credit together is an important guarantee for enterprises to improve their quality, enhance their competitive strength and make them thrive. To abide by the law and morality. Law and morality are the fundamental guarantees of building integrity. The difference between the legal system and moral awareness is absolutely not to be honest. Throughout the reality, all manufacturing and selling counterfeit and inferior goods, cheating consumers and other untrustworthy things, are against the law and morality.