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江苏省姜堰市溱潼人民医院是里下河地区一所已有五十年历史的全民医疗中心,医院技术力量雄厚,医疗设备先进,能正常开展胸、腹部、骨科、妇产科、眼科等各种复杂手术,具备承担重大伤亡事故的抢险救灾的能力,在省内外有较高的声誉。医院长期坚持强化内部管理,狠抓行风建设;坚持文明服务,合理收费,各项收费标准公示上墙;坚持服务规范有序,服务优质高效,紧紧围绕“以病人为中心”,树卫生行业新形象;作为泰州市文明单位,全体工作人员紧密团结,努力奋斗,正向省级文明单位发起冲刺。同时,医院抢抓机遇,积极利用西班牙政府贷款购买国外先进设备;新征土地二百亩,新建了一幢设计床位300张的15000m~2门诊病房综合大楼,一座现代化医院的雏形已经形成。近年来,医院的各项经济指标年增长达30%,群众满意度调查也从原来的65%上升到97%。科技兴院,人才兴院,这是溱医矢志不渝的发展方向。目前,医院已拥有各类专业医务人员170名,大专 Jiangyan People’s Hospital of Jiangyan City, Jiangsu Province is a national medical center with a history of 50 years in Lixiahe District. With strong technical force and advanced medical equipment, it can normally carry out chest, abdomen, orthopedics, obstetrics and gynecology, and ophthalmology. Various types of complicated operations, etc., have the ability to undertake disaster rescue and disaster relief for major casualties, and have a high reputation both inside and outside the province. The hospital has long insisted on intensifying internal management and seizing the construction of the road; insisting on civilized service, reasonable fees, and publicizing various fees and charges; adhering to the orderly service standards, high-quality and high-quality services, and focusing closely on the “patient-centered” principle. The new image of the industry; as a civilized unit in Taizhou City, the entire staff unites closely and strives hard to launch a sprint to provincial-level civilized units. At the same time, the hospital seized the opportunity to actively use the Spanish government loan to purchase advanced foreign equipment; newly acquired 200 mu of land and built a 15000m~2 outpatient ward complex with 300 design beds. The prototype of a modern hospital has been formed. In recent years, the annual growth rate of various economic indicators of the hospital has reached 30%, and the satisfaction survey of the people has also increased from the original 65% to 97%. The establishment of a college for the promotion of science and technology and the establishment of a college for talented people are the unremitting development directions of the doctors. At present, the hospital has 170 professional medical personnel of various types,
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