
来源 :Petroleum Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wn208001
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Many measures, such as water injection, acid fracturing, thermal recovery, have been taken in the oilfield development. These can easily induce brittle fracture of set cement. Most of all, there are greater potential for fractures in set cement in slim holes. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the toughness of the cement mantle. Results obtained from experiments show that carbon fiber, with a concentration of 0.12%-0.19% in cement and a length of 700 to 1,400 μm, plays an important role in improving cement quality. Addition of carbon fiber can improve the bending strength of set cement by up to 30%. At the same time, the increase in fiber concentration can lower the elastic modulus and increase the Poisson’s ratio of set cement. Thin-section analysis shows that fiber can effectively prevent the propagation of fractures and enhance the plasticity of the matrix and the ability to prevent fracture. Most measures, brittle fracture of set cement. , it is necessary to improve the toughness of the cement mantle. Results obtained experiments show that carbon fiber, with a concentration of 0.12% -0.19% in cement and a length of 700 to 1,400 μm, plays an important role in improving cement quality . Addition of carbon fiber can improve the bending strength of set cement by up to 30%. At the same time, the increase in fiber concentration can lower the elastic modulus and increase the Poisson’s ratio of set cement. Thin-section analysis shows that fiber can effectively prevent the propagation of fractures and enhance the plasticity of the matrix and the ability to prevent fracture.
目的:回顾100 例眼球摘除术后羟基磷灰石义眼座眼窝成形术的体会,旨在探讨该手术出现的问题及处理。方法:采用巩膜包裹羟基磷灰石球作为眼球摘除术后眼窝成形的充填物,其中自体巩膜
气候对肥效的影响可从以下两个完全不同的方面加以考察。 (1)只有在适宜的气候条件下才能获得最高产量,而且为了利用其全部可能利用的潜力,还必须施用相当大量的肥料。 (2)
大豆胞囊线虫病(Soybean Cyst Nematode,简称SCN)是大豆毁灭性病害之一,本文针对其生理小种鉴定进展和抗病技术研究进展进行了综述,为SCN方面的科学研究提供参考依据。 Soyb