Lithological Discrimination of the Mafic-Ultramafic Complex, Huitongshan, Beishan, China: Using ASTE

来源 :Journal of Earth Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bbben
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The Beishan area has more than seventy mafic-ultramafic complexes sparsely distributed in the area and is of a big potential in mineral resources related to mafic-ultramafic intrusions. Many mafic-ultramafic intrusions which are mostly in small sizes have been omitted by previous works. This research takes Huitongshan as the study area, which is a major district for mafic-ultramafic occurrences in Beishan. Advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer(ASTER) data have been processed and interpreted for mapping the mafic-ultramafic complex. ASTER data were processed by different techniques that were selected based on image reflectance and laboratory emissivity spectra. The visible near-infrared(VNIR) and short wave infrared(SWIR) data were transformed using band ratios and minimum noise fraction(MNF), while the thermal infrared(TIR) data were processed using mafic index(MI) and principal components analysis(PCA). ASTER band ratios(6/8, 5/4, 2/1) in RGB image and MNF(1, 2, 4) in RGB image were powerful in distinguishing the subtle differences between the various rock units. PCA applied to all five bands of ASTER TIR imagery highlighted marked differences among the mafic rock units and was more effective than the MI in differentiating mafic-ultramafic rocks. Our results were consistent with information derived from local geological maps. Based on the remote sensing results and field inspection, eleven gabbroic intrusions and a pyroxenite occurrence were recognized for the first time. A new geologic map of the Huitongshan area was created by integrating the results of remote sensing, previous geological maps and field inspection. It is concluded that the workflow of ASTER image processing, interpretation and ground inspection has great potential for mafic-ultramafic rocks identifying and relevant mineral targeting in the sparsely vegetated arid region of northwestern China. The Beishan area has more than seventy mafic-ultramafic complexes sparsely distributed in the area and is of a big potential in mineral resources related to mafic-ultramafic intrusions. Many mafic-ultramafic intrusions which are mostly in small sizes have been omitted previous works. This research takes Huitongshan as the study area, which is a major district for mafic-ultramafic occurrences in Beishan. Advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer (ASTER) data have been processed and interpreted for mapping the mafic-ultramafic complex. by different techniques that were selected based on image reflectance and laboratory emissivity spectra. The visible near-infrared (VNIR) and short wave infrared (SWIR) data were transformed using band ratios and minimum noise fraction (MNF) ASTER band ratios (6/8, 5/4, 2/1) in RGB image and MNF (1, 2, 4) in RGB image were powerful in distinguishing the subtle differences between the various rock units. PCA applied to all five bands of ASTER TIR imagery highlighted marked differences among the mafic rock units and was more effective than MI in differentiating mafic-ultramafic Based on the remote sensing results and field inspection, eleven gabbroic intrusions and a pyroxenite occurrence were recognized for the first time. A new geologic map of the Huitongshan area was created by Integrating the results of remote sensing, previous geological maps and field inspection. It is said that the workflow of ASTER image processing, interpretation and ground inspection has great potential for mafic-ultramafic rocks identifying and relevant mineral targeting in the sparsely vegetated arid region of northwestern China .
阻挠建会当心法律制裁 由于外资、民营等新建企业的大量涌现,维护新建企业职工合法权益的工作成为迫切需要,于是组建工会成为各级工会工作的“重头戏”。但由于修订前的《工
最近,湖北省委、省政府办公厅以鄂办文[2002]46号文发出通知,转发《省总工会关于在全省非公有制企业建立职工民主管理制度的意见》,要求各地认真贯彻执行。 Recently, Hubei
【摘要】在平时的教学课堂中,我们常常听到老师说“不错”“说得对”“很棒”“再想想”之类的对学生的评价语言。就实际来说,我们承认这些积极的评价语言对学生有一定的激励作用,但长期如此,难免会让学生感到单调乏味,这些语言对学生再也起不到激励作用,也就调不动学生对学习的积极性。  【关键词】课堂评价;创新思维,课堂教学  【中图分类号】G623 【文献标识码】A  有位教育家说:“教育的艺术不在于传授本领
同志们: 刚才常生同志代表组委会通报了职工艺术节的有关情况,志刚同志对如何做好下一步的工作进行了动员,他们的讲话我都赞成。下面,我从工会的角度讲几点意见,供大家参考。