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云南鼠疫历史悠久,其来源中外学者多认为输入。新中国成立后经长期调查研究,现完全证明本省鼠疫并非传入而是其本身存在两种不同类型的鼠自然疫源地。1.黄胸鼠鼠疫自然疫源地分布于云南西部、西南部及南部。主要宿主黄胸鼠,主要传播媒介印鼠客蚤,病原体为鼠疫菌滇闽居民区生态型。动物流行病学特点:鼠疫动物病主要存在并流行于海拔400~2100米的平原或宽谷或盆地居民文化景观地带;各月均有发生,但以6~11月较多,高峰在8月;以鼠→蚤→鼠方式传播,以流行和潜在(或微弱)流行方式保持疫源。2.齐氏姬鼠、大绒鼠鼠疫自然疫源地存在于滇西北剑川县山区及其毗邻的丽江、兰坪、云龙、洱源部分山区。主要宿主是齐氏姬鼠和大绒鼠,主要媒介特新蚤指名亚种,病原体为滇西纵谷生态型。动物流行病学特点:鼠疫动物病主要存在并流行于疫源地内海拔2500米以上的云南松林山区耕地景观带;各月均有发生,高峰在4月和12月,表现为双峰型;从年际看,流行有高低潮,大体流行2~3年,缓和1~4年或更长。本文还对黄胸鼠鼠疫疫源地的性质与范围以及黄胸鼠鼠疫疫源地和齐氏姬鼠、大绒鼠鼠疫疫源地的区别与联系进行了讨论。 The plague in Yunnan Province has a long history. Many scholars from both China and foreign countries regard it as input. After the founding of New China, after a long period of investigation and research, it is completely proved that the plague in this province is not imported but exists in itself in two different types of mouse natural foci. 1. Rattus flaccid plague natural foci distributed in western Yunnan, southwestern and southern. The main host Rattus flavipectus, the main media Indian rat flea, the pathogen Y. epidemic Yunnan, Fujian ecotype. Epidemiological characteristics of animals: Plague animal disease exists predominantly and prevails in plain or broad valleys of 400-2,100 meters above sea level or in the cultural landscape of residents of the basin. It occurs in all the months, but more in June-November and the peak in August ; Transmitted as rats, fleas and rats, keeping the epidemic endemic and potentially (or weakly) endemic. 2. The natural foci of the zodiac rat and the large plague plague exist in the mountainous areas of Jianchuan County in the west of Yunnan and the adjacent mountainous areas of Lijiang, Lanping, Yunlong and Eryuan. The main hosts are Apodemus agkistrodon and mammoths, the main media New flea named subspecies, the pathogen for the Yunnan Rift Valley ecotypes. Epidemiological characteristics of animals: Plague animal disease mainly exists and prevails in the foci of more than 2,500 meters above sea level in Songlin mountainous areas of Yunnan cultivated land landscape; occur each month, the peak in April and December, showing a bimodal type; from Inter-year view, the prevalence of high and low tide, the general popular 2 to 3 years, easing 1 to 4 years or longer. This article also discusses the differences and relations between the nature and scope of the plague foci and the differences between the plague foci and the plague foci of Rattus norvegicus.