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陈焕祥,笔名江犀,1934年7月生于湖北咸丰曲江村。其书法拜师晚清秀才魏文卿先生,美术拜师名画家汤文选先生。1975年,他为当地烈士纪念碑书写碑体,崭露书艺头角,受到各界好评。如今,他已经成长为中国文化艺术发展促进会会员、湖北省书法家协会会员、省老年书画研究会理事、省清江书画院院士、恩施自治州书法家协会顾问、中老年书画研究会副会长。 Chen Huan-hsiang, pen name Jiang rhinoceros, was born in July 1934 in Xianfeng Qujiang Village. Mr. Wei Wenqing, the late scholar of the calligraphy of his calligraphy, Mr. Tang Wenxuan, a painter of fine arts and apprenticeship. In 1975, he wrote a monument for the local martyrs monument, revealed the art book Tau Kok, praised by all walks of life. Today, he has grown into a member of the Association for the Promotion of Chinese Culture and Art Development, a member of the Hubei Calligraphers Association, a director of the Provincial Painting and Calligraphy Association of the Province, a member of the Qingjiang Painting and Calligraphy Institute, a consultant for the Calligraphers Association of Enshi Autonomous Prefecture, and vice chairman of the Middle-aged Painting and Calligraphy Research Association.
山核桃(Carya cathayensis Sarg.)是目前我国南方重要油料的木本植物,有巨大的经济价值及利用潜力。为探究山核桃果实发育期间的油脂合成规律及内在的分子调控机制。研究通过测定山核桃果实发育阶段的粗脂肪含量及脂肪酸组分构成,结合发育阶段的转录组数据,从油脂的来源、合成及降解入手,构建山核桃成油网络,揭示了山核桃油脂积累过程中的基因表达规律;再者,依据基因共表达网络挖掘了一批潜在功能的
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