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中华民族自古以农立国,安土重迁,历史上除了春秋战国时期的诸侯混战,秦汉以降的朝代更迭,平息叛乱,以及数量极少的为抗击外族入侵而采取主动出击等战事之外,所遇战争多为守势,故保卫国土,坚守城池是最为常见的一种战争形式,守城也为军事家所关注除了在许多兵书中有这方面的专题论述外,还出现了守城的专著,如《襄阳守城录》、《开禧德安守城录》等,其中以陈规等撰《守城录》较为著名,陈规(1072—1141)字符则,密州安丘(今山东安丘市)人,明法科及第出身,历任通职郎,县令等职,北宋靖康元年(1126),金人入侵,杀镇海军节度使刘延庆,刘部将王在等沦为乱军侵犯州县,陈规时为安陆县令,率勤王兵赴汴京(今河南开封),至蔡州道梗而 Since ancient times, the Chinese nation has taken the policy of establishing a country by farming and relocating its soil and earth. In addition to fighting melee in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, historically, the Qin and Han dynasties replaced the dynasty and quieted the insurgency, and seldom launched combat operations such as taking initiative to fight alien invasion. Since most of the wars are defensive, defending the territory and maintaining the city are the most common form of war. The defenders are also concerned by military strategists. In addition to the monographs in many military books and monographs, Such as “Xiangyang Shoucheng Lu”, “Kai Hei De An Shoucheng Lu” and so on, of which the statute et al “Shoucheng Lu” more famous, Chen rules (1072-1141) characters, Anqiu in Michigan (now Anqiu Shandong City), Mingfa and his first birth, served as general manager of Lang, magistrate and other post, the first year of the Northern Song Dynasty Jingkang (1126), Jin invasion, kill the town naval Jedi Liu Yanqing, Liu will be reduced to chaos When the army violated the state and county rules, the Anlu magistrate was ordinarily in charge of the rule, and Wang Bing went to Beijing for bingbing (now Kaifeng, Henan) and to the stem of Caizhou
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椒汁鸡四件原料:熟鸡四件[注]300克莲白100克青红美人椒节50克蒜米、葱花各10克盐、白糖、豉油、醋、鸡汤、幺麻子藤椒油、菜油各适量 Pepper sauce four pieces of raw mat
家里有一小眼馋鬼,看到邻家小朋友吹泡泡吹得带劲,她跑回来说:“妈妈,我也要吹泡泡。”好在这个愿望不难满足,就满足一下他吧! At home there is a little greedy eyes, to