
来源 :保险研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chengyao54321
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按照 WTO《服务贸易总协定》( GATS)附录《有关金融服务承诺的谅解书》的界定 ,保险服务贸易乃金融服务贸易的重要组成部分 ,鉴于保险服务贸易在金融服务业的重要地位及其与一般金融服务迥异的特质 ,并考虑在我国加入世界贸易组织的谈判中 ,许多成员方均就准入我国保险市场专门提出了要价 ,故本文对 WTO保险服务贸易法律规范进行专题研究。中国加入 WTO的进程已进入关键阶段 ,中国保险市场的开放乃大势所趋 ,本文的内容将有助于中国保险业了解 WTO的保险服务规范 ,实现与国际惯例的接轨。 According to the WTO GATS “Understanding on Financial Services Commitments”, insurance services trade is an important part of the financial services trade. Given the importance of insurance services trade in the financial services industry and its relationship with In the negotiation of China's accession to the World Trade Organization, many members have specifically proposed the asking price for entering the insurance market in our country. Therefore, this article makes a special study on the legal norms of the WTO trade in insurance services. The process of China's accession to the WTO has entered a crucial stage. The opening up of China's insurance market is the trend of the times. The content of this article will help China's insurance industry to understand WTO's insurance service standards and to achieve convergence with international practices.
以经济和安全的观点为依据,提出电解槽各部位绝缘应有的水平,特别强调电解槽对地绝缘电阻的重要性,并提出解决漏电的办法 Based on economic and security points of view, pro
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The physicochemical properties of the system, such as density, surface tension, specific conductance and melting point were measured. The results were discussed
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