Drink, red wine has health functions, many people know. In Europe, men, women and children drink a little red wine every day. Why did they do this? First of all, because red grape skin contains a substance called “reverse alcohol”, it has important anti-aging function and it is also an antioxidant. Therefore, people who often drink red wine rarely have heart disease. Second, red grape sprinkles can help prevent a sudden cardiac arrest, medically known as sudden arrest. Under what conditions will the human heart stop? First, there is a heart attack, the second is high blood pressure, and the third is related to food. Too large, strong, too sticky and overheating of food can make the heart arrest, high blood lipids can also make the heart arrest. When I was in a normal university consultation, I had encountered such a thing: a 35-year-old postdoc, morning still jumping, but suddenly at noon