
来源 :时事报告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Monking
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为了给2007年参加文科综合考试的考生和政治学科单科考试的考生以更好的辅导,本刊特别邀请北京市东城区教科研中心特级教师康振明,从科学发展观、和谐社会的构建、科学发展的新局面,到坚持走和平发展道路、坚持党的领导等几个方面,从理论观点和时政材料相结合的角度介绍党和政府现阶段的基本路线和重大方针政策,给广大考生以指导,并供考生家长参考。本文分上下两部分,分别在第4期和第5期刊出。 In order to provide better counseling to candidates who took liberal arts examinations in 2007 and candidates for political subjects, this special issue invited Kang Zhenming, a special grade teacher from the Beijing Dongcheng District Education and Research Center, to build a scientific outlook on development and a harmonious society. The scientific development of the new situation, to adhere to the road of peaceful development, adherence to the leadership of the party and other aspects, from the perspective of a combination of theoretical perspectives and contemporary political materials to introduce the party and the government at this stage of the basic line and major principles and policies, to the majority of candidates Guidance and reference for parents of candidates. This article is divided into two parts, which are published in the 4th and 5th periodicals respectively.
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千古文章意为高。立意是写作的关键,它是决定一篇文章质量高低、价值大小的重要依据。那么作文究竟该如何立意呢?笔者将从以下五个方 The age-old article is intended to b
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