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传染性单核细胞增多症(Infections Mononucloosis简称IM)现认为多系EB病毒所引起的一种急性或亚急性全身性免疫异常的疾病。近年来本病有增多的趋势。由于本病临床表现多种多样,分型复杂,易与其他疾病相混淆,造成漏诊或误诊。现将我院收治的1例IM误诊为白喉的病例,报告如下。男,3(1/2)岁,住院号962。患儿因发热伴鼻塞、流涕、咳嗽4天,咽部假膜2天,于1981年8月25日入院。入院前曾按“重感冒”处理无效,继因发现咽部假膜而诊断白喉转本院。否认白喉接触史,白喉预防注射欠详。无扁桃体病史。体查:体温38.4℃,脉搏140次,呼吸32次,血 Infectious Mononucloosis (IM) is now considered a multi-line EB virus caused by an acute or sub-acute systemic immune disorders. In recent years, the disease has an increasing trend. Due to the clinical manifestations of this disease varied, the typing complex, easy to confuse with other diseases, resulting in missed diagnosis or misdiagnosis. Now in our hospital 1 cases of IM misdiagnosed as diphtheria cases, the report is as follows. Male, 3 (1/2) years old, hospital number 962. Children with fever due to nasal congestion, runny nose, cough for 4 days, pharyngeal pseudomembrane 2 days, on August 25, 1981 admission. According to the “heavy cold” treatment before admission invalid, following the discovery of pharyngeal pseudophakia and diphtheria transferred to the hospital. Diphtheria exposure history was denied, and diphtheria injection was not recommended. No history of tonsil disease. Physical examination: body temperature 38.4 ℃, pulse 140 times, breathing 32 times, blood
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目的初步测试中文版情绪障碍快速筛查量表K6、SCL-8AD及其分量表(SCL-8、SCL-ANX4及SCL-DEP6)在综合医院内科和精神科住院患者中的适用性。方法 2011年11月-12月对四川大学华