一般来说转动设备上很容易发生由于转子转动所引起的振动,尤其是当转动激发频率等于或接近机械固有频率时(即两者的比值在0.8~1.2之间时),即使激发源很小也会引发共振,从而使作用在零部件上的应力增加,严重时导致破坏。针对转盘式萃取塔在实际运行和维护过程中发生的分段轴连接处断裂以及设备共振等问题,在装置扩建过程采用了有针对性的设计结构改进以及防止问题再次发生的措施,本文对其中有代表性的措施进行了阐述。“,”In general,equipment containing moving parts can be susceptible to vibrations that are caused by these moving parts,This is especialy the case if the frequency of moving coincides in a more or less extend with Eigen frequencies of the equipment,or are present in the vicinity of these Eigen frequencies.Then resonances with increasing stresses in the material can occur,which even make damage to the equipment.In Owner’s existing plant,some problems,such as the weld fracture on the two segmental shaft connection,or resonances of the RDC,as for the newly built RDC,the design details or problems preventing measures had been adopted,,it had been described typicaly hereinafter.