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  I’m Jessi, and this is my suitcase. But before I show you what I’ve got inside, I’m going to make a very public confession, and that is, I’m outfit obsessed. I love finding, wearing, and more recently, photographing and blogging a different colorful, crazy outfit for every single occasion. But I don’t buy anything new. I get all my clothes secondhand from 1)flea markets and 2)thrift stores.
  Secondhand shopping allows me to reduce the impact my wardrobe has on the environment and on my wallet. I get to meet all kinds of great people; my dollars usually go to a good cause; I look pretty unique; and it makes shopping like my own personal treasure hunt. I mean, what am I gonna find today? Is it gonna be my size? Will I like the color? Will it be under $20? If all the answers are yes, I feel as though I’ve won.
  I wanna get back to my suitcase and tell you what I packed for this exciting week. I brought seven pairs of underpants and that’s it.  I was betting that I’d be able to find everything else I could possibly want to wear once I got here to Palm Springs. And I’d really love to show you my week’s worth of outfits right now. Does that sound good? So as I do this,  I’m also gonna tell you a few of the life lessons that, believe it or not, I have picked up in these adventures wearing nothing new.
  So let’s start with Sunday:  You do not have to spend a lot of money to look great. This whole outfit, including the jacket, cost me 55, and it was the most expensive thing that I wore the entire week.
  Monday: Color is powerful. It is almost 3)physiologically impossible to be in a bad mood when you’re wearing bright red pants. If you are happy, you are going to attract other happy people to you.
  Tuesday: Fitting-in is way overrated. Just be who you are. If you are surrounding yourself with the right people, they will not only get it, they will appreciate it.
  Wednesday: Embrace your inner child. Sometimes people tell me that I look like I’m playing dress-up, or that I remind them of their seven-year-old. I like to smile and say, “Thank you.”
  Thursday: Confidence is key. If you believe you’re a beautiful person inside and out, there is no look that you can’t pull off. So there is no excuse for any of us here in this audience. We should be able to rock anything we wanna rock.
  Friday: A universal truth—five words for you: Gold 4)sequins go with everything.
  And finally, Saturday: Developing your own unique personal style is a really great way to tell the world something about you without having to say a word. It’s been proven to me time and time again as people have walked up to me simply because of what I’m wearing. And we’ve had great conversations.
  So obviously this is not all gonna fit back in my tiny suitcase. So before I go home, I’m going to donate everything back. Because the lesson I’m trying to learn myself is that it’s OK to let go. I don’t need to get emotionally attached to these things, because around the corner, there is always gonna be another crazy, colorful, shiny outfit just waiting for me, if I put a little love in my heart and look.
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