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1936年,“西安事变”爆发之前,国共两党进行了长达10个多月的秘密接触和谈判。史称“国共密谈”。这次秘密谈判虽未获得成功,但却对“西安事变”的爆发和全国抗战局面的形成起到了一定的促进作用。在这次秘密谈判中,以“南京来客”和“中共联络员”双重身份担负秘密联络重任的红色信使就是年轻的宁夏籍中共党员,被誉为“国共秘使”的张子华。当时他年仅22岁。1935年前后,中共中央一再发表宣言,呼吁停止内战,国共两党合作共御外侮,赢得了全国人民的拥护。蒋介石懔于日寇的步步入侵和强大的社会舆论.除寻求英美帝国主义的保护外,也想改善同苏联和中共的关系,不得不于 In 1936, before the outbreak of the “Xi’an Incident”, both Kuomintang and the Communist Party held secret contacts and negotiations for more than 10 months. History known as “confidante Taniguchi”. Although this secret negotiation was unsuccessful, it has played a certain role in promoting the outbreak of the “Xi’an Incident” and the formation of the national anti-Japanese war. In this secret negotiation, the red messenger entrusted with the task of secretly contacting with “Nanjing Visitors” and “CCP Liaison Officers” is a young member of the Communist Party of Ningxia and is known as the “CPIS”. Zhang Zihua. At that time, he was only 22 years old. Before and after 1935, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China repeatedly issued a declaration calling for the cessation of the civil war and the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party to resist foreign aggression and won the support of the people throughout the country. In addition to seeking the protection of the Anglo-American imperialists, Chiang Kai-shek also wanted to improve relations with the Soviet Union and the CPC because of the step-by-step invasion and strong public opinion in the Japanese invaders.
目的 研讨老年急性左心衰患者的临床抢救措施与效果,以提高我院对该病的综合诊疗水平.方法 从我院2014年3月至2016年3月选取36例老年急性左心衰患者作为回顾对象,对全组患者
目的 分析肝胆手术以后发生胆漏的主要原因,探讨相应的预防以及治疗措施.方法 选取2015年06月-2016年06月期间在我院进行肝胆手术并且发生胆漏的50例患者作为研究对象,对患者
目的 分析头位难产的临床表现,总结头位难产的识别及处理方法.方法 对头位难产病例,从发生的原因,临床特点,处理方法,分娩方式及对母儿影响等方面进行回顾性分析和总结.结果
介绍了一种能提高单桩承载力、节约材料、缩短工期的新型桩——可变式支盘扩底注浆桩的工作原理、承载力计算方法及施工工艺 ,并通过工程实例进一步说明了该桩的特点、经济效
目的 探讨外固定架治疗胫腓骨骨折的临床效果.方法 选取我院2015年1月-2015年12月收治的46例胫腓骨粉碎性骨折患者的临床资料,随机分为观察组与对照组各23例,对照组患者给予