
来源 :国外医学(卫生学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenshuae9o
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在接触锌、铅、镉的锌矿工人和食用含有镉、铅、锌食物的骨痛病患者的淋巴细胞中,履见严重的染色体畸变;铅中毒猴子的染色体畸变因低钙饮食而加重。因之,在重金属和低钙饮食之间,在细胞遗传学上可能存在协同作用。作者以正常(1.1%Ca)或低钙(0.03%Ca)饲料饲养8周龄、体重约25 g的雄小鼠一个月。以此两组作为对照,实验组在饲料中分别加入氯化锌(0.05%Zn)、醋酸铅(0.5%Pb)、氯化镉(0.06%Cd)或这三种盐(每种为上述浓度的1/2)的混合物。此浓度均为低钙饲料时的LD_(50)/30天。共10组,每组25只小鼠。一个月后,每组处死10只存活小鼠,进行检定。 Chromosome aberrations were observed in zinc miners exposed to zinc, lead and cadmium as well as lymphocytes in patients with bone pain containing cadmium, lead and zinc foods. Chromosomal aberrations in lead poisoning monkeys were exacerbated by low calcium diet. Thus, there may be a synergistic effect on cytogenetics between heavy metals and low calcium diets. The authors fed male mice 8 weeks old and weighing about 25 g for one month with either normal (1.1% Ca) or low calcium (0.03% Ca) diets. Using the two groups as control, the experimental group were fed with zinc chloride (0.05% Zn), lead acetate (0.5% Pb), cadmium chloride (0.06% Cd) 1/2) mixture. The concentration of low-calcium diet LD_ (50) / 30 days. A total of 10 groups, each group of 25 mice. One month later, 10 surviving mice were sacrificed in each group and tested.
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