被党中央定为“林彪、江青反革命集团”主犯之一的邱会作,自上世纪八十年代初提前保外就医后,他随老伴胡敏回到了陕西,胡敏的原籍是陕西长安县,现长安县已改成长安区了。邱会作的晚年真正成了陕西“倒插门的女婿”。 上世纪八十年代至九十年代这十年时间,邱会作、胡敏这两位相依为命的老夫老妻在西安东郊一个很简陋的民房居住,每月仅靠百余元的生活费过着蓬牖茅椽,绳床瓦灶的生活。生活对他们来说应该是十分现实的,又是十分艰辛和清苦的,
He was returned to Shaanxi with his wife Hu Min when he was foregone overseas for medical treatment since the early 1980s when Qiu Huizuo, one of the chief guilty of “Lin Biao and Jiang Qing Counterrevolutionary Group”, was the party Central Committee. Chang’an County has changed Chang’an District. Qiu will make his later years really become Shaanxi “Intrusion door son.” The eighties of last century to the nineties of this decade, Qiu Huizuo, Hu Min, the two old and the old husband and wife living in the eastern suburbs of Xi’an is a very simple residence, lived only living on a hundred dollars a month Peng Peng Mao rafter, rope bed tile stove life. Life should be very realistic for them and it is very hard and bitter.