固守质量大堤 笑立市场潮头

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金秋十月风送爽,遍地菊花一路香。在这个美好的季节里,我们大家汇集蒲圻,在这座湖北南疆的新型工业城市,召开全省造纸质量工作会议,具有十分重大的意义。在当前全省造纸行业销售不畅、价格回落的严峻形势下,我们一起来研究提高产品质量之良方,探讨开拓市场之策略,寻求冲出困境之法宝,是摆在我们面前的一项艰巨和光荣的使命。在滔滔万里长江之滨,昔日古战场赤壁之旁,我们仿佛闻到了昔日战场的硝烟,增强了我们临战前的决心,看到了一泻千里的长江,又给我们增添了无穷的力量。今天,有机会再次结识各位领导和造纸同行的各位朋友。是我们又一次向老大哥厂家学习的好机会,在这个会议上,我受公司的委托,将我公司如何抓质量管理,开拓产品市场的情况,向大家作一个汇报,以求指点。我汇报的题目是:“固守质量大堤,笑立市场潮头”。 我们湖北马坪纸业股份有限公司,始建于1979年,与改革开放同龄。公司现有员工628人,固定资产净值1132万元,企业净资产1198万元,厂区面积57875平方米,下设四个造纸厂和六大经济实体。拥有九条造纸生产线,年设计能力18000吨,主要生产28克/m~2—120克/m~2的有光纸、书写纸、凸版纸、单胶纸、卷筒纸、卫生纸、包装纸共七个品种二十多种规格。其中30克/m~2有光纸和C级皱纹卫生纸获省优良? In October, the wind is cool, and all the way to the chrysanthemum is all the way. In this wonderful season, we all gather Puqi. In this new industrial city in southern Xinjiang, the province’s paper quality work conference is held, which is of great significance. Under the severe situation in which the province’s papermaking industry is sluggish in sales and prices have fallen, we have come together to study ways to improve product quality, explore strategies for market development, and seek for a magic weapon that will overcome difficulties. This is an arduous task before us. And glorious mission. On the shores of the Yangtze River on the banks of the Wanli River, beside the ancient battlefield of the Red Cliff, we seem to have smelled the smoke of the battlefields of the past, strengthened our determination before the battle, and saw the rivers that blew through the Yangtze River, adding yet more power to us. Today, I have the opportunity to meet the leaders and friends of my papermaking counterparts again. It is a good opportunity for us to once again learn from Big Brother manufacturers. At this meeting, I was entrusted by the company to give us a report on how to manage quality management and expand the product market. The topic I reported was: “We stick to the quality embankment and laugh at the market”. Our Hubei Maping Paper Co., Ltd. was founded in 1979 and is the same age as the reform and opening up. The company’s existing staff of 628 people, the net value of fixed assets 11.32 million yuan, corporate net assets of 11.98 million yuan, the factory area of ​​57875 square meters, set up under the four paper mills and six economic entities. It owns nine paper production lines with an annual design capacity of 18,000 tons, and mainly produces glossy paper, writing paper, letterpress paper, single-tape paper, web paper, toilet paper and packaging paper of 28g/m~2-120g/m~2. Seven varieties of more than 20 kinds of specifications. Among them, 30g/m~2 glossy paper and C-class wrinkle toilet paper have been excellent in the province?
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