
来源 :招生考试通讯(高考版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bianyitijie
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《考纲》标签考生应关注与2015年时政热点相关联的考点,每年国家方针政策的重大调整以及国家与社会关注的热点、焦点的变化,通常会成为高考命题的兴奋点,与这些兴奋点相关联的知识,就是考生复习时应重点掌握的。考生要注重分析时政热点与高考考点的对接,如近年来《经济生活》的高频考点主要集中在关注民生、调控物价、分配公平、食品安全、生态文明、中国梦等贴近现实生活的问题上。这些问题体现了哪些经济生活的道理,为何会出现,应如何妥善解决,是考生们应该自行思考和 Candidates for the “Syllabus” tab should pay attention to the test centers associated with the 2015 hot political events. The annual national policy and major adjustments as well as the national and social hot spots and changes in focus will usually become the excitement of the college entrance examination proposition and are related to these excitement points Joint knowledge, that is, candidates should focus on master review. Candidates should pay attention to the analysis of hot spots in politics and college entrance examination test sites docking, such as “economic life” in recent years, high-frequency test centers focus on people’s livelihood, control prices, distribution of fair, food safety, ecological civilization, the Chinese dream close to real life issues . These questions reflect the truths of economic life, why they appear, and how to properly solve the problems that candidates should think on their own terms
2015年5月24日,教育部国际合作与交流司副司长于继海在2015中国教育国际化研讨会上透露,他们正在推动我国高考成绩得到国外认可。而据受访专家介绍,已有部分国外院校认可我国申请者的高考成绩。  目前,我国已同俄罗斯、美国、欧盟等建立起类似的高层人文交流机制,于继海说,他们也在思考,通过这种平台能为教育做些什么。  “我们最想做的,也开始启动的就是,推动我们高考成绩让国外认可。”于继海同时坦言,这
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