
来源 :河南水产 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:DayaL
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近年来我们进行了小龙虾多种养殖模式的尝试,尤其在小龙虾与河蟹套养模式上进行了探索,取得了较好的养殖的效果,现将主要养殖技术总结如下:1池塘条件养殖河蟹套养小龙虾的池塘要求水源充足,水质良好,进排水方便,面积以3335-6670m2为宜,长方形,水深1~2m。池底和池壁有良好的保水性能。冬季对池塘清除淤泥和干池冻晒,然后用生石灰90~120kg/667m2清塘处理,池内注水10cm,将生石灰化浆后趁热全池遍洒,彻底杀灭病原菌、寄生虫类及敌害生物。2防逃设施在池塘四周设防逃墙,以免敌害生物进入和河 In recent years, we conducted a variety of crayfish breeding mode of attempt, especially in crayfish and crab nesting mode to explore, and achieved good breeding effect, now the main farming techniques are summarized as follows: 1 pond conditions breeding crab Nesting crayfish pond requires adequate water, good water quality, easy access to drainage, the area is appropriate to 3335-6670m2, rectangular, water depth 1 ~ 2m. Pool bottom and pool wall has good water retention performance. In winter, the ponds are cleared of mud and dry pool, and then treated with quicklime 90 ~ 120kg / 667m2 clear ponds, the pool watering 10cm, the quicklime pulp after the hot pool full sprinkling, thoroughly kill pathogens, parasites and predators biological. 2 anti-evasion facilities in the pond around the anti-evasion wall, so as to avoid predatory creatures into the river
以野生豆科牧草窄叶豌豆(Vicia angustifolia L.)种子为试验材料,研究了植物种子萌发和幼苗生长对干旱胁迫的响应特征.结果表明,随干旱胁迫程度的增加,种子吸胀速率、萌发率
In order to efficiently solve the shading problem between the upper layer and lower layer in the same cultivation system and between adjacent cultivation systems in multi-layer stereo-cultivation of s
提出了一种基于RVM(Relevance Vector Machine,RVM)组合核的软测量建模方法。为同时得到较强的回归能力和较好的稀疏性,对RVM构造一个组合核函数的同时,又构建了一个综合回归性能和稀疏性的适应度函数,利用遗传算法优化RVM组合核的权系数和核参数。将该方法用于一个双酚A生产流程中裂解回收单元的建模仿真,实例表明,所提方法的预测精度、稀疏性等指标均优于一般的SVM组合核模型和G
通过对压力容器火灾爆炸基本原因的分析,提出了严格消防安全管理防爆措施以及防御和减轻爆炸的几个技术途径,从而达到防止压力容器火灾爆炸的目的。 Based on the analysis