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第十届全国人民代表大会第四次会议及全国政协第十届第四次会议已于3月中旬圆满闭幕。聆听“两会”议题,有一个感觉非常鲜明,就是代表们特别敢于直面发展中仍然存在的问题。在编者看来,这是民主意识的最好和最大体现。问题不会因为否认而减少,困难也不会因为直面而增多。只有直面问题,才能找准下一步工作的重点,更好地解决社会矛盾,达到小康目标。“两会”上,代表们围绕百姓的生命安全、生活质量问题提交了相关议案,涉及医疗、营养、环保、生态、住房、养老、社会保障以及新农村建设等诸多方面,处处体现着大众的利益,字字传递着以民生为本的声音。 The Fourth Session of the Tenth National People’s Congress and the Tenth Fourth Session of the CPPCC National Committee were successfully concluded in mid-March. Listening to the “two sessions” issue, one of them feels very clear, that is, the delegates are particularly daring to face the problems that still exist in their development. In the editor’s opinion, this is the best and greatest embodiment of democratic consciousness. The problem will not be reduced because of denial, and the difficulty will not be increased because of the face. Only by confronting the problem can the focus of the next step be found, the social contradictions can be better solved and the well-off goal can be achieved. “NPC and CPPCC ”, the delegates submitted relevant motions on the issues of people’s life safety and quality of life, covering various aspects such as medical treatment, nutrition, environmental protection, ecology, housing, pension, social security and new rural construction, The interests of the word pass the people’s livelihood-based voice.
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血透机在临床使用过程中 ,医护人员、工程师对血透过程中透析液的电解质 ,如 :Na +、K +、Ca2 + 、Mg2 + 、C1-、HCO3 -等参数值很关心 ,但是往往忽略了透析液中PH值对血透机及血透效果的
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