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徐志摩是我国现代最伟大的诗人之一,其诗歌不仅是中国现代文学研究的重点,同时也引起了越来越多国外研究者的兴趣。就翻译而言,徐志摩诗歌在英语世界的翻译主要存在于中国现代诗歌选集中,并体现出两个特点:一是徐志摩诗歌在各选集中出现的频率差别极大;二是各选集所选徐志摩诗歌篇目极为不集中,重合率比较低。《再别康桥》既是徐志摩代表作,也是其诗歌在英语世界传播的典型。本文通过形式变异、修辞变异、语法变异和词汇变异四个方面,阐释分析《再别康桥》在英语世界的不同年代的三种各具特色的代表性译本,以期管窥徐志摩诗歌在英语世界传播过程中的得与失。 Xu Zhimo is one of the greatest poets in modern China. His poetry is not only the focus of Chinese modern literature research, but also attracts more and more foreign researchers. In terms of translation, the translation of Xu Zhimo’s poetry in the English-speaking world mainly lies in the anthology of modern Chinese poetry, which shows two characteristics: First, the frequency of Xu Zhimo’s poem in each anthology is extremely different; secondly, Selected Xu Zhimo poetry articles are very concentrated, coincidence rate is relatively low. “Farewell to Cambridge” is not only the representative of Xu Zhimo, but also the typical of his poems spread in the English-speaking world. In this paper, we analyze three representative translations of Fubang Kangqiao in different ages of the English-speaking world from four aspects: formal variation, rhetorical variation, grammatical variation and lexical variation, in order to provide a glimpse of the spread of Xu Zhimo’s poetry in the English-speaking world Gains and losses in the process.
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