在全国亿万人民正认真学习和贯彻江泽民同志“七一”讲话,进一步振奋精神努力实现社会主义现代化建设第二步战略目标的时候,我们又迎来了中华人民共和国成立42周年。在这个喜庆日子里,我们谨向战斗在生产第一线的全体企业干部、职工致以亲切的问候,向从事企业思想政治工作的同志们表示崇高的敬意! 学习中国共产党70年的历史,回顾人民共和国42年走过的历程,我们心潮澎湃,思绪万千。42年前的旧中国,经济凋敝,战乱频仍,社会动荡,民不聊生,政治腐败,国弱民穷,以“东亚病夫”闻名于
When the hundreds of millions of people nationwide are earnestly studying and implementing Comrade Jiang Zemin’s “1 July” speech, and further boosting their efforts to realize the second-phase strategic goal of socialist modernization, we have ushered in the 42nd anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. On this festive occasion, we would like to extend my cordial greetings to all the comrades and workers who work in the forefront of the production line, and to all the comrades engaged in the ideological and political work of the enterprise. Learning the history of the Chinese Communist Party for 70 years, reviewing People’s Republic of China 42 years of history, we have surging emotions and thoughts. The old China 42 years ago, with its sluggish economy and frequent war chaos, social turmoil, unscrupulous people, political corruption, weak and poor people, was known as "the sick man of East Asia