黔东南州下大力搞好政报发行 确保政令畅通

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近日,黔东南州政府就《贵州政报》发行工作在全州16个县(市)政府办公室主任会议上作了重点强调,要求全州各县(市)下大力气,完成《贵州政报》发行任务,确保政令畅通。会上,黔东南州常务副州长杨东胜指出,各级政府广大干部要认真学政治、钻业务,《贵州政报》是学习掌握政策的重要工具,一定要加大宣传度,确保政报发行到位。黔东南州政府秘书长罗亮权特别强调,《贵州政报》的宣传发行工作完成与否,将作为全州各县(市)政府工作目标考核的重要指标,要求各县(市)政府要高度重视,认真抓紧落实。 Recently, the state government of Qiandongnan made a key emphasis on the issue of the “Guizhou Gazette” at the meeting of directors of government offices of 16 counties (prefectures) throughout the state, demanding that the counties (cities) of the entire state make great efforts to complete the “Guizhou Gazette Issue mission to ensure that the government ordinance is clear. At the meeting, Yang Dongsheng, deputy governor of Qiandongnan Prefecture, pointed out: All cadres at all levels of government should conscientiously study politics and drilling. The ”Guizhou Gazette“ is an important tool for learning and mastering policies. We must increase publicity so as to ensure the issuance of the political newsletters . Qiangdongquan Government Secretary-General Luo Liangquan particularly stressed that the completion of the propaganda and publication work of the ”Guizhou Gazette" will serve as an important indicator for the examination of the government’s work objectives in counties (cities) throughout the state, and requires the governments of all counties (cities) to attach great importance Seriously implement it.
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