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随着大众文化生活的日益繁荣,社会上一批“草根歌手”、“草根乐手”、“草根演员”脱颖而出。当这些“草根艺人”穿上军装,走进军营,用自己的拿手好戏给广大官兵带去欢乐时,一个个也俨然成为战友心目中的“草根明星”。找出官兵的欢乐“哎!哎!新兵小王你别慌,抓紧弹,向前看,心想要领大胆干……”一天,在某旅训练场,坦克连新兵王东东因手榴弹训练投掷不及格,显得有些着急,动作越做越变形。这时,被誉为军营笑星的于泽海,突然来了段东北味的“数来宝”。嘿!你还别说,这招真灵,小王一出手,35米。 With the increasing prosperity of popular culture, a number of “grassroots singers”, “grassroots musicians” and “grassroots actors” have come to the fore in the society. When these “grassroots artists” wear military uniforms and enter military camps and bring joy to the general officers and men with their good works, one by one they also become the “grassroots stars” in the hearts of their comrades. Find out the joy of officers and soldiers “hey! Hey! Recruit Xiao Wang, do not panic, pay close attention to the bullet, look forward, want to lead a bold dry ... ...” One day in a brigade training ground, tanks and recruits Wang Dongdong throwing grenade training Fail, it seems a little anxious, the more the more deformation action. At this time, Yu Zehai, hailed as a joke of military barracks, suddenly came to the northeast taste of “number to treasure.” Hey! You do not say, this move true spirit, Wang shot, 35 meters.
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