在以美国为首的北约野蛮轰炸我驻南使馆三周年前夕,我来到了在那次轰炸中牺牲的《光明日报》记者许杏虎的老家——江苏丹阳市河阳镇。 杏虎的家位于镇西四公里的后北洛村,从镇上到村中原来只有一条弯弯曲曲的泥土路。1999年5月,杏虎夫妇牺牲后,省交通厅出资50多万元,在这里修建了一条宽4.5米、长3公里的水泥公路,并把它命名为“杏虎路’。丹阳市委、市政
On the eve of the third anniversary of my brutal U.S.-led NATO brigade bombing of the embassy in southern China, I came to the hometown of Guangming Daily reporter Xu Xinghu, who died in that bombing - Heyang Town, Danyang City, Jiangsu Province. Apricot tiger’s home is located in the town of four kilometers west of Houluo Village, from the town to the village originally only a winding dirt road. In May 1999, after the sacrifice of Xinghu couple, the provincial Department of Communications invested more than 500000 yuan, here a 4.5 meters wide and 3 kilometers long cement road, and named it “Xinghu Road.” Danyang Municipal Party Committee, Municipal