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备受关注的反垄断法草案如期出现在6月24日召开的十届全国人大常委会第二十二次会议上。这意味着,历经19年之久的起草历程之后,反垄断法终于正式进入中国最高权力机关的立法程序。国务院法制办主任曹康泰受国务院委托向会议作反垄断法草案说明时表示,随着中国经济体制改革的持续深入和对外开放的不断扩大,有必要制定一部专门的反垄断法,为进一步深化改革,营造公平有序的市场竞争环境,促进国际贸易和经济技术合作,保持中国经济活力,加强国家宏观调控,提供强有力的法律保障。 The draft of antitrust law of great concern appears on schedule as scheduled at the 22nd meeting of the 10th NPC Standing Committee on June 24. This means that after 19 years of drafting, the antitrust law has finally entered the legislative process of the highest authority in China. State Council Legislative Affairs Office Director Cao Kangtao entrusted by the State Council to the meeting as a draft antitrust law shows that with the continuous deepening of China’s economic reform and opening up to the outside world, it is necessary to develop a special anti-monopoly law, to further deepen Reform, create a fair and orderly market competition environment, promote international trade and economic and technological cooperation, maintain the vitality of China’s economy, strengthen the state’s macro-control and provide a strong legal guarantee.
目前,股份制成了人 们的热点话题。何谓 股份制?为什么要搞股份制?本期23页的文章将告诉你种种有关知识。 At present, the shares make people’s hot topics. What is a s
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精神赔偿适用范围狭窄仍不追究潜在缺陷责任令人失望对制假售劣行为的处罚仍显偏轻 Narrow scope of application of the spirit of compensation is still not investigate