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卢湾区(旧称卢家湾区)位于上海市中心区的中南部,辖区范围东与南市区交界,南临黄浦江,西与徐汇区为邻,北与静安、黄浦区相连。面积7.3平方公里。人口47.6万,下设8个街道。区内徐家汇路以北,由于历史原因,商业、科研文化设施较为发达,居民中高级知识分子和民族工商业者占一定比例,长达4华里的淮海中路(旧称霞飞路、林森中路)名闻全国,是上海的商业中心之一。徐家汇路以南,工厂比较集中。近年来,商业、服务业、文化教育事业也逐步发展起来。区内有中共“一大”会址、孙中山故居、中国社会主义青年团中央机关旧址、中共代表团驻沪办事处(周公馆)、《新青年》编辑部旧址、国民党 Luwan District (formerly Lujiawan District) is located in the central and southern part of Shanghai’s downtown area. It borders on the east and the southern part of downtown Shanghai. It borders Huangpu River in the south, Xuhui District in the west and Huangpu District in the north. Area of ​​7.3 square kilometers. Population 476,000, set up under the 8 streets. Due to historical reasons, commercial and scientific research and cultural facilities are well-developed. Middle and high-ranking intellectuals and ethnic industrial and commercial households account for a certain proportion of Huaihai Middle Road (formerly known as Xiafei Road and Linsen Middle Road) with a capacity of 4 li Smell the country, is one of Shanghai’s business center. Xujiahui Road south of the factory more concentrated. In recent years, commercial, service, culture and education are also gradually developed. There are the “Big One” site of the CCP, the former residence of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the former site of the Central Organ of the Chinese Socialist Youth League, the office of the CPC delegation in Shanghai (Zhougongguan), the site of the editorial department of “New Youth”, the Kuomintang
(一) 因有千年古刹静安寺而定名的静安区,位于上海市区的中心。全区面积7.56平方公里,分别与6个市区接壤,东临成都北路与黄浦区为邻;西以镇宁路、万航渡路、武定西路、江苏
The effect of the Al-6Ce-3La(ACL) on the microstructural behavior of the Al7075 was investigated. Materials were synthesized by mechanical alloying with variati
农村村落社区建设是江西省民政工作在农村新作为方面的进一步创新,是完善村民自治、建设社会主义新农村的一项基础性工程。作为 Rural village community construction is a
金圣叹 (1 60 8— 1 661 )在明末清初因文学批评而著称 ,所著“贯华堂批评”《西厢记》《水浒传》《唐才子诗》《杜诗解》天下皆知。然读圣叹著述 ,有两人不能不提 :一是王斫