Molecular epidemic survey on co-prevalence of scrub typhus and marine typhus in Yuxi city,Yunnan pro

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Background Human rickettsioses are worldwide zoonoses and it is not easy to differentiate them from other infectiousdiseases because of their atypical manifestation.In recent years the number of patients with fever of unknown causesfrom Hongta District CDC,Yuxi city of Yunnan Province has been increasing significantly in the summer.Diagnosis ofscrub typhus was made by local clinicians.In order to ascertain the disease,we undertook a laboratory investigation forsuch patients from August 18 to 26,2005.Methods Active surveillance was conducted by Hongta District CDC Yuxi city of Yunnan Province from 2002 to 2004and basic data were obtained from cases confirmed according to clinical definitions.Average incidences and town-levelincidences were calculated during the study periods.Blood samples were analyzed by PCR and serological test.Basedon the groEL gene sequences a paired general outer primers(Gro-1 and Gro-2)targeting typhus,spotted fever as well asscrub typhus and two paired inner primers(SF1,SR2 and TF1,TR2)for typhus together with spotted fever and scrubtyphus,respectively,were designed to perform a multiplex-nested PCR.Serological assay was carried out by indirectimmunofluorescence assay with 7 different rickettsial antigens,i.e.,R.mossori,R.sibirica,R.conorii,O.tsutsugamushi,B.quintana,B.henselae and Coxilella burnetii phase Ⅱ Ag.Results Epidemiological surveillance showed that from 2002 to 2004,the average incidences of the scrub typhus orscrub typhus with murine typhus were 222.1/10~5,204.3/10~5 and 109.6/10~5,respectively.Of 13 blood samples takenduring acute stage of illness,6 showed the amplified products for scrub typhus and the sequenced products showed100%,99%,99%,99%,99%,99% similarity to O.tsutsugamushi Karp but they shared the same deduced amino acidsequences,which indicated 100% identity with the heat shock protein of the O.tsutsugamushi Karp strain.Five yieldedPCR products for murine typhus and their corresponding nucleotide sequences exhibited 100%,100%,99%,99% and99% similarity to R.mossori Wilmington and the analyses of predicted amino acid sequences indicated 100%,100%,98%,98% and 98% identity with the heat shock protein of R.mossori Wilmington strain.Of the 8 PCR positive patients,3showed a co-infection of scrub typhus with murine typhus.All the 13 serum samples from febrile patients were positiveagainst O.tsutsugamushi and 8 of them were positive against R.mossori.All of the 8 paired specimens had four-foldelevation of antibody against O.tsutsugamushi,and seroconversion for typhus was demonstrated in 3 paired serumsamples.Another finding in the study was that a high seropositive prevalence(76.9%)of Q fever was detected.Conclusion It’s confirmed that co-prevalence of scrub typhus with murine typhus are occurring in Yuxi city of Yunnanprovince,China.Other rickettsial diseases also need to be investigated in these areas.Chin Med J 2007;120(15):1314-1318 Background Human rickettsioses are worldwide zoonoses and it is not easy to differentiate them from other infectiousdiseases because of their atypical manifestation.In recent years the number of patients with fever of unknown causesfrom Hongta District CDC, Yuxi city of Yunnan Province has been increased significantly in the summer. Diagnosis of scrub typhus was made by local clinicians. In order to ascertain the disease, we undertook a laboratory investigation forsuch patients from August 18 to 26, 2005. Methods Active surveillance was conducted by Hongta District CDC Yuxi city of Yunnan Province from 2002 to 2004and basic data were obtained from cases confirmed according to clinical diagnosis .s.Blood samples were analyzed by PCR and serological test. Based on the groEL gene sequences a paired general outer primers (Gro-1 and Gro-2) targeting typhus, spotted fever as well asscrub typhus and two paired inner prim ers (SF1, SR2 and TF1, TR2) for typhus together with spotted fever and scrubtyphus, respectively, were designed to perform a multiplex-nested PCR. Serological assay was carried out by indirectimmunofluorescence assay with 7 different rickettsial antigens, ie, R. mossori , R.sibirica, R.conorii, O.tsutsugamushi, B.quintana, B.henselae and Coxilella burnetii phase II Ag.Results Epidemiological surveillance showed that from 2002 to 2004, the average incidences of the scrub typhus orscrub typhus with murine typhus were 222.1 / 10 ~ 5, 204.3 / 10 ~ 5 and 109.6 / 10 ~ 5, respectively.Of 13 blood samples takenduring acute stage of illness, 6 showed the amplified products for scrub typhus and the sequenced products showed 100%, 99%, 99%, 99 %, 99%, 99% similarity to O. tsutsugamushi Karp but they shared the same deduced amino acid sequence, which shows 100% identity with the heat shock protein of the O. tsutsugamushi Karp strain. Family yieldedPC products for murine typhus and their corresponding nucleotide sequences exhibits 10 0%, 100%, 99%, 99% and 99% similarity to R. mossori Wilmington and the analyzes of predicted amino acid sequences indicated 100%, 100%, 98%, 98% and 98% identity with the heat shock protein of R. mossori Wilmington strain. Of the 8 PCR positive patients, 3 showed a co-infection of scrub typhus with murine typhus. All the 13 serum samples from febrile patients were positive for indigestion O. tsutsugamushi and 8 of them were positive against R. mossori. All of the 8 paired specimens had four-foldelevation of antibody against O. tsutsugamushi, and seroconversion for typhus was demonstrated in 3 paired serum samples. Another finding in the study was that a high seropositive prevalence (76.9%) of Q fever was detected. Confidence It’s confirmed that co-prevalence of scrub typhus with murine typhus are occurring in Yuxi city of Yunnanprovince, China.Other rickettsial diseases need to be investigated in these areas. Chin Med J 2007; 120 (15): 1314-1318
2015年3月17日 晴  在生活中我们会发现人们往往总是羡慕别人有多么好,却忽略了自己本身所具有的优势,情形恰如下面的这则寓言:  猪说,假如让我再活一次,我要做一头牛,工作虽然累点,但名声好,受人怜爱;牛说,假如让我再活一次,我要做一头猪,吃完就睡,睡完就吃,不出力,不流汗,活得像神仙;鹰说,假如让我再活一次,我要做一只鸡,喝有水,饿有米,住有房,还受人保护;鸡说,假如让我再活一次,我要做一只
2015年3月29日 晴  一袭青袍,一支素笔,鲁迅朴实的衣着下有着一颗犀利的心;一个木棚,一口大锅,镭的发现便从这里起步;一本旧书,一缕阳光,钱钟书在寂静中苦读。你或许会向往镁光灯下的万众瞩目,或许会幻想奢侈生活中的锦衣玉食,但是,朴实的力量往往也是巨大的,就像伟大艺术家罗丹,生活中的朴实不仅使人感到他的平和,更给他的创作赋予了别样的魅力,最朴实的往往是最伟大的。  朴实是一种修养。巴金老先生是
例1 女,23岁,农民.慈溪市庵东镇杭州湾新舟村人.于2006年7月31日出现发热、咳嗽,当日在村卫生服务中心予以对症治疗无效.8月3日在耳后、发际首先出现皮疹,遂去市人民医院就诊。