Ultralow friction polymer composites incorporated with mono- dispersed oil microcapsules

来源 :摩擦(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tswy110
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Ultralow friction polymer composites were prepared by adding oil-loaded microcapsules into epoxy (EP) resin. Mono-dispersed polystyrene (PS)/poly alpha olefin (PAO) microcapsules with a diameter of ~2 μm and a shell thickness of ~30 nm were prepared by solvent evaporation method in an oil-in-water emulsion. The lubrication behaviors of the EP resin composites with oil-loaded microcapsules have been investigated under different loads and sliding speeds. As compared with the pure EP resin, the friction coefficient of the composite could be reduced to 4% (from 0.71 to 0.028) and the wear rate could be decreased up to two orders of magnitude. It was demonstrated that the released PAO oil from the microcapsules during the friction process produced a boundary lubricating film, which could prevent the direct contact of two rubbing surfaces, and thus leading to an extremely low friction coefficient and wear rate. Moreover, the composites with microcapsules could achieve comparable lubrication properties to the case under the external lubrication condition, while the former case could effectively minimize the lubricant leakage and improve the lubrication efficiency.
从帮工到老板  梅纳德1940年出生在美国威斯康星州水清市,在8个兄弟姐妹中排行老大。5岁那年他们全家搬到一个农场,日后他回忆道:“农场生活虽然艰苦,但环境非常适合小孩子长大成人。我的父母信奉努力工作、勤俭和独立的价值观,它们牢牢地印在了我们的大脑里。”上中学时,梅纳德的父亲准备盖一座木质结构的库房,梅纳德也参与了施工,并从父亲那里挣到了一份工钱。他似乎有做这一行的天赋,不到两年就掌握了盖这类库房
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