提升服务能力 强化监管质量——攀枝花市医疗保险事业健康持续发展

来源 :四川劳动保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caiqigang
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今年以来,攀枝花市医保局继续着力在提升经办管理“规范化、精细化、人性化”服务创新经验,进一步提高基本医疗保障水平,提升医保服务能力,加强医保监管质量,取得了显著成效,促进了基本医疗保险事业的健康可持续发展。有效提高参保质量。市医保局以重点人群为切入点,通过“规范化、精细化、人性化”经办管理服务和出台居民医保惠民利民政策,使参保扩面质量不断提高。基本医疗保险已形成以三大制度为基本构架,困难群体、弱势群体医疗有保障,公务员医疗有补助,重大疾病医疗有补充,灵活就业人员、农民进城务工人员、城镇居民和学生儿童能参保,涵盖全市城乡居民 Since the beginning of this year, Panzhihua City Medical Insurance Bureau has continued its efforts to enhance the management experience of “standardized, refined and humanized” service innovation, further raise the level of basic medical insurance, enhance the medical insurance service capability, and enhance the quality of medical insurance supervision, which has achieved remarkable results , Promoting the healthy and sustainable development of basic medical insurance. Effectively improve the quality of insured. City Medical Insurance Bureau to focus on the crowd as the starting point, through the “standardization, refinement, humane ” management services and the introduction of residents medical insurance policy of benefiting the people and benefiting the people, so that the quality of insurance coverage expansion continued to improve. The basic medical insurance has been formed with the three major systems as the basic framework. The disadvantaged groups, the vulnerable groups are guaranteed by medical treatment, the civil servants are subsidized by medical treatment, and the medical treatment for major diseases is supplemented. The flexible employed people, peasants migrant workers, urban residents and students’ children can participate Paul, covering the city’s urban and rural residents