Effect of Mesozoic volcanic eruptions in the western Liaoning Province, China on paleoclimate and pa

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhfheihei
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Well-preserved Mesozoic vertebrate fossils were found from lacustrine deposits inter-bedded with tuff and tuffites in the lower part of the Yixian Formation, western Liaoning Province, China. The fossil-rich layers were preserved in the intermediate-acid volcanic deposits in Sihetun excavating profile. Based on the petrographic studies of samples of the tuff and tuffites collected from the profile, this paper determines major element concentrations and volatile compositions of the melt inclusions in phenocrysts and matrix glasses with electron microprobe analysis. Volatile (S, F, Cl and H2O) contents emitted into the atmosphere were estimated by comparing pre- and post-eruptive volatile concentrations. Amount of volatiles (except for water) emitted in western Liaoning are much higher than those in the historic eruptions which had a substantial effect on climate and environment. Based on the nature and amount of the gases emitted in the eruptions of western Liaoning, we present a hypothesis that volatile-rich volcanism could result in mass mortal-ity of vertebrates in the study area by injecting a large amount of volatiles (e.g., SO2, H2S, HCl, HF and H2O) into the stratosphere that would have triggered abrupt environmental and climate changes and altered lake chemistry. In terms of contents of volatile emissions, the eruptions in western Liaoning can be subdivided into the following three categories. The first group is domi-nated by HF emission, which had a fatal but possibly short-lived effect on paleoclimate and pa-leoenvironment and finally caused the mass mortality of the primitive birds. The second group presents the highest halogen concentrations emitted. However, contents of chlorine erupted is higher than those of fluorine emitted. The reactive chlorine compounds probably led to the ozone layer depletion and, therefore, caused mass mortality of most of all vertebrates including fishes, turtles and dinosaurs. The third one consists mainly of sulfur gases (primarily SO2 and H2S) re-leased. They declined the surfaces temperatures and formed large-scale toxic acid rains. Eventu-ally, such environmental trauma killed many land- and freshwater-based vertebrates and formed vertebrate (including feathered theropod dinosaurs) fossil-rich layers. The results show that the Mesozoic volcanic activities on either a large scale or frequent moderate scales in western Liao- ning could lead to mass mortality of the vertebrates. Well-preserved Mesozoic vertebrate fossils were found from lacustrine deposits inter-bedded with tuff and tuffites in the lower part of the Yixian Formation, western Liaoning Province, China. The fossil-rich layers were preserved in the intermediate-acid volcanic deposits in Sihetun excavating profile. Based on the petrographic studies of samples from the profile of the paper to major element concentrations and volatile compositions of the melt inclusions in phenocrysts and matrix glasses with electron microprobe analysis. Volatile (S, F, Cl and H2O) contents emitted into the atmosphere were estimated by comparing pre- and post-eruptive volatile concentrations. Amount of volatiles (except for water) emitted in western Liaoning are much higher than those in the historic eruptions which had a substantial effect on climate and environment Based on the nature and amount of the gases emitted in the eruptions of western Liaoning, we present a hypot hesis that volatile-rich volcanism could result in mass mortal-ity of vertebrates in the study area by injecting a large amount of volatiles (eg, SO2, H2S, HCl, HF and H2O) into the stratosphere that would have triggered abrupt environmental and climate changes and altered lake chemistry. In terms of contents of volatile emissions, the eruptions in western Liaoning can be subdivided into the following three categories. The first group is domi- nated by HF emission, which had a fatal but possibly short-lived effect on paleoclimate and pa-leoenvironment and finally caused the mass mortality of the primitive birds. However, contents of chlorine erupted is higher than those of fluorine emitted. The reactive chlorine compounds probably led to the ozone layer depletion and, therefore, caused mass mortality of most of all vertebrates including fishes, turtles and dinosaurs. The third one consists mainly of sulfur gases (prThey declined the surface temperatures and formed large-scale toxic acid rains. Eventu-ally, such environmental trauma killed many land- and freshwater-based vertebrates and formed vertebrates (including feathered theropod dinosaurs) fossil- rich results. The results show that the Mesozoic volcanic activities on either a large scale or frequent moderate scales in western Liao-ning could lead to mass mortality of the vertebrates.
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