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由岳绍先教授等主编、中国农业科技出版社1993年出版的《籽粒苋在中国的研究与开发》一书,是一部令人感到新颖,能在较高层次上窥视该作物当今国际研究与开发全貌,并指引其应用潜力的论文集,也是我国第一部有关籽粒苋的专著.全书以70万字的篇幅,全面探讨了一种被誉为“21世纪谷物”的籽粒苋的各个方面内容.书中附有20幅彩图,经济学家于光远为该书题词“推广籽粒苋是科技兴农的一项措施”,中国科学院学部委员、植物生理学家娄成后教授与农业部科技司为该书写的序言,美国茹代尔研究所的阿德丝、茹代尔以及世界银行亚洲技术局格雷姆肖先生分别写的前言,皆从各个方面肯定了籽粒苋在中国发展的意义与成就.该书的及时出版,对我国农牧业发展及促进营养食品工业发展是有重要意义的. The book “Research and Development on Amaranth in China”, edited by Professor Yue Shaoxian and edited by Professor Yue Shaoxian and published by China Agricultural Science and Technology Press in 1993, is a novel and can peep at a higher level to the present international research and development Picture, and guide its potential application of the essay, but also China’s first monograph on grain amaranth.The book with 700000 words of space, a comprehensive discussion of a known as “the 21st century cereal,” all aspects of grain amaranth content. The book is accompanied by 20 color maps, economist Yu Guangyuan for the book “promotion of grain amaranth is a measure of agriculture through science and technology,” academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, plant physiologist Professor Lou Chenghou and the Ministry of Agriculture Science and Technology Division The preface to this book, the prefaces of Adders and Jordalees from the Lauder Institute of the United States and Grahamschau from the Asian Development Bureau of the World Bank separately affirmed the significance and achievements of grain amaranth development in China from all aspects The timely publication of this book is of great significance to the development of agriculture and animal husbandry in our country and the promotion of the development of the nutritious food industry.