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春天,万物复苏,生机盎然,也是宝宝生长发育的黄金季节。在这美妙的季节里,宝宝的消化吸收能力将会增强,进食量随之增加,身体迅速生长发育。怎样抓住这一关键时机给宝宝增加营养,合理安排早中晚三餐饮食?本期我们就根据不同年龄段孩子的生长发育特点,给您推荐几款参考食谱。 Spring, the recovery of all things, full of vitality, but also the baby’s golden season of growth and development. In this wonderful season, the baby’s digestion and absorption will increase, the amount of food will increase, the body grows rapidly. How to seize this critical time to increase nutrition for the baby, a reasonable arrangement for breakfast, lunch and dinner meals? This issue we based on different age groups of children’s growth and development characteristics, to recommend several reference recipes.
AIM: To determine the distal intramural spread (DIS) margin of rectal cancer. METHODS: Sixty-one p53-positive specimens of rectal cancer were used. After conven
猴头,这里并非指哺乳动物猴子的头,而是一种食用菌。猴头[Hericium eri-naceus(Bull.)pets.],又称“猴头蘑”、“刺猬蘑”、“对脸蘑”等。属担子菌纲、齿菌科食用菌类。子
Background:To provide guidelines for future cooperative group trials,we reviewed the outcomes of children with bilateral Wilms’tumors (BWTs) treated on Nationa
AIM: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are rare. GISTs differ from other mesenchymal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract (e.g. leiomyomas and schwannomas
AIM: To review clinical and pathologic features of Gas-trointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) occurring synchro-nously with other primary gastrointestinal neoplas
Primary squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the liveris rare. Totally nine such cases have been reportedin the literature. Primary SCC of the liver has beenreporte
AIM: Minimal deviation carcinoma of the uterine cervix, otherwise known as extremely well-differentiated adenocarcinoma (EWDA), is characterized by its benign m
AIM: To report the experience of the CHU Sart Tilman, University of Liège, Belgium, in the management of appendiceal carinoid tumor. METHODS: A retrospective r