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“度”的概念具有多义性.与编辑出版活动有关的,主要有“计量”、表明物质有关性质所达到的程度、最低或最高限度,以及唯物主义哲学所指一定事物保持自己质的数量界限,孔子中庸之道所谓“过犹不及”、不偏的适度等编辑出版活动中.“度”的掌握十分重要,把握得不好,就会造成谬误和失败,大到影响整个社会精神生产,小到牵涉编辑出版集体或个人的前途命运.下面对编辑出版界中的某些热点,略作“度”的分析,以抛砖引玉.精神生产增长度报载:我国目前有出版社540多家;报纸7000多种(含内部报纸);期刊约17000种(含内部期刊);每年出书9万多种,印数达280多亿册.对于这样一种编辑出版规模,有说是超负荷的,有说是需放开的.但好像谁都没有指明我国的精神生产规模究竟应该多大,究竟应该保持多少增长率,才是最合适的(适度).在这方面,精神生产的确比物质生产复杂得多,“度”的确定远为艰难.但又不是不能确定的;而且主观认定的“度”与客观实际、社会需要相符合的程度如何,又直接影响到社会主义精神文明建设与我国发展、变革及稳定的局面,不能等闲视之.我以为,在确定精神生产的增长度时,要注意研究以下一些问题.一、我国的经济实力、精神生产能力与社会对精神产品的消费能力.我国的出版单位,由事业单位事业管理,改革为? The concept of “degree” has the meaning of “polygamy.” There are mainly “measurement” related to the editing and publishing activities, indicating the degree, minimum or maximum of the material nature, and the quantity of certain things in the materialistic philosophy Boundaries, the Confucian doctrine of mediocrity so-called “too far”, unbiased moderate editing and publishing activities. “Degree” is very important to grasp, not good grasp, it will create fallacies and failures, affecting the entire spirit of spiritual production, ranging from small Involved in the editing and publishing collective or individual future fate. The following editors some of the hot spots in the publishing industry, a little “degree” analysis, in order to attract investment. Spiritual growth rate reported: China currently has more than 540 publishing houses; newspapers More than 7,000 kinds (including internal newspapers), about 17,000 kinds of periodicals (including internal periodicals), more than 90,000 kinds of books and more than 28 billion impressions each year.For such a scale of editing and publishing, it is said that it is overloaded, There is a need to let go, but no one seems to indicate exactly how large a country’s spiritual production scale should be and whether the rate of growth should be maintained is the most appropriate (moderation) in this regard. Is much more complicated, and the determination of “degree” is far more difficult, but not indefinable. Moreover, the extent to which subjective determination of “degree” is consistent with objective reality and social needs directly affects the construction of socialist spiritual civilization and that of our country Development, change and stability, we can not afford to ignore it.I think, in determining the growth rate of spiritual production, we should pay attention to study some of the following issues: First, China’s economic strength, spiritual productivity and social ability to spend on mental products China’s publishing units, managed by the institutions, reform?