Measurements of dimethylsulfide (DMS) concentrations in surface seawater and vertical profiles at sixteen stations in the Nansha Islands waters of the South China Sea showed that surface seawater DMS concentrations ranged from S 52 to 122 ng/L, average of 82 ng/L. DMS distribution tendency coincided with that of primary productivity observed during the same cruise. In vertical profiles, the DMS distribution was influenced by factors such as algal biomass, as indicated by chlorophyll a, particular algal species, consumption by photochemical oxidation, etc. Maximal DMS concentrations appeared at 30-75 m depths. DMS concentration was significantly correlated to seawater temperature. The sea to air DMS flux from this sea area was estimated to be 5.95 μmol/(m 2·d).
Measurements of dimethylsulfide (DMS) concentrations in sixteen stations in the Nansha Islands waters of the South China Sea showed that surface seawater DMS concentrations ranged from S 52 to 122 ng / L, average of 82 ng / L. DMS Distribution profiles coincided with that of primary profiles observed during the same cruise. The vertical distribution of the DMS distribution was influenced by factors such as algal biomass, as indicated by chlorophyll a, particular algal species, consumption by photochemical oxidation, etc. Maximal DMS concentrations Maximal DMS concentrations The sea to air DMS flux from this sea area was estimated to be 5.95 μmol / (m 2 · d) at 30-75 m depths.