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以孙中山为首的革命党人曾以创办报刊传播革命而彪炳于中国近代新闻传播媒介的发展史上。他们把报利列为与起义和暗杀并列的三大手段之一。在进入20世纪至辛亥革命前的十年中,他们创办了数百家形形色色的报刊,踪迹遍及海内外,组成一个强有力的传播网。奉同盟会民族民主革命为唯一宗旨,内颠满清政权,外御列强入侵,以此唤起民族精神的南报和南风报,就是这个传播网的组成部分之一。纵观其前后文字,虽碍于当时清廷密不透风的言论禁锢,未有《中国日报》和《民报》那样直刺满清统治的咄咄逼人的锋芒,但字里行间亦充溢着呼之欲出的反清锐气。手段相异而目的一致,同样象孙中山先生所评价的那样,为数十年间屡仆屡起”的资产阶级革命竭尽了“报纸鼓吹之力”。正因为如此,才使这个创办于编安一隅的桂林城的传播媒介不胫而走,名播粤桂沪,并且饮誉南洋诸岛。其在辛亥革命前夕推波助澜的鼓动,曾引导不少青年走上推翻满清封建统治之路。存不越岁,却功绩昭然。 The revolutionaries headed by Sun Yat-sen once laid the foundation for the revolution in the media and revolutionized the development of the news media in modern China. They listed the newspaper as one of the three major means of juxtaposition with the uprising and assassination. In the ten years from the 20th century to the Revolution of 1911, they founded hundreds of newspapers and magazines of all kinds, which have traveled all over the world and formed a powerful network of communication. It is one of the components of this network that the Nanfong Daily News and Nanfong Pao Daily News, with the sole aim of the Allied National Democratic Revolution and the invasion of the Qing regime and the invasion of the Imperial Powers by the League of Nations into the national democracy and democracy, have thus aroused the national spirit. Looking back and forth at the front and back of the text, despite the implacable rhetorical imprisonment of the Qing court, there was no aggressive edge that was a direct result of the Manchu rule, as did the “China Daily” and the “Min Pao”, but there was an overwhelming anti- Elan. Different means and the same purpose, the same is true of Sun Yat-sen’s assessment, as repeatedly for many years repeatedly serve the “bourgeois revolution exhausted the power of the newspaper.” Because of this, Of Guilin city media spread like wildfire, named broadcast Guangxi and Shanghai, and the reputation of the South Pacific Islands .On the eve of the Revolution of 1911 encouraged agitation, has led many young people to overthrow the Manchu feudal rule. Years old, but clearly distinguished.
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The Inflammatory Neuropathy and Treatment (INCAT) group developed a standardized ELISA method for the detection of serum anti-GM1 antibodies. The diagnostic val
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