Design and optimization of electrochemical cell potential for hydrogen gas production

来源 :能源化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:modlong
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This study deals with the optimization of best working conditions in molten melt for the production of hydrogen(H2)gas.Limited research has been carried out on how electrochemical process occurs through steam splitting via molten hydroxide.54 combinations of cathode,anode,temperature and voltage have been investigated for the optimization of best working conditions with molten hydroxide for hydrogen gas production.All these electrochemical investigations were carried out at 225 to 300℃ temperature and 1.5 to 2.5 V applied voltage values.The current efficiency of 90.5,80.0 and 68.6%has been achieved using stainless steel anodic cell with nickel,stainless steel and platinum working cathode respectively.For nickel cathode,an increase in the current directly affected the hydrogen gas flow rate at cathode.It can be hypothesized from the noted results that increase in current is directly proportional to operating temperature and applied voltage.Higher values were noted when the applied voltages increased from 1.5 to 2.5 V at 300℃,the flow rate of hydrogen gas increased from 1.5 to 11.3 cm3 min-1,1.0 to 13 cm3 min-1 in case of electrolysis@stainless steel and@graphite anode respectively.It is observed that the current efficiency of stainless steel anodic cell was higher than the graphite anodic cell.Therefore,steam splitting with the help of molten salts has shown an encouraging alternate to current methodology for H2 fuel production.
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