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林蛙只吃活虫不吃死虫。围养林蛙密度大 ,必需人工养殖活虫供其食用。研究和实践证明 ,黄粉虫是养殖林蛙最理想的虫种。黄粉虫俗称面包虫 ,幼虫含蛋白质47 6 %,脂肪28 5 %,被称为蛋白质饲料“宝库”。多以其饲养甲鱼、蝎子、蜈蚣、高贵观赏鱼鸟。黄粉虫成虫不飞 ,幼虫爬? Rana eat live worms do not eat dead insects. Ringed woodfly density, artificial breeding live animals for their consumption. Research and practice have proved that Tenebrio molitor is the most ideal species for breeding Rana chensinensis. Tenebrio commonly known as breadworms, larvae containing 47 6% protein, 28 5% fat, known as the protein feed “treasure house.” More its breeding turtles, scorpions, centipedes, noble ornamental fish and birds. Tenebrio adults do not fly, larvae climb?
In this paper,we first study the latent relation between the conservative quantityand the symmetry of nonholonomic dynamical systems without any additionalrestr
By using a series of canonical transformations (Birkhoffs series), an approximate integral of a conservative compound pendulum is evaluated. Level lines of this
姥姥: 好想,好想,好想您。记得刚进幼师时,我干什么事都不顺利,洗衣服丢了肥皂,洗澡打坏了水瓶。想到临来时,您对我的一声声叮嘱。我就忍不住流下了眼泪。那时,我才觉得您对
On the basis of Reissner’s theory, the exact solutions of the bending of cantilever rectangular plates are obtained by means of the concept of generalized simp
In this paper we have given an analytic excitation solution of exploding wave in infinite elastic body with growing spherical inner boundary,and the convergence
B.Riemann furnished the general solution of simple waves in1860.But it is difficult to find out the exact forms of the arbitrary function contained in the gener