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1990年,我省国民生产总值达到1307亿元,全部独立核算工业企业26526个,拥有固定资产原值1148亿元,其中设备固定资产占60%左右。尽管从改革开放以来,特别是“七五”以来,在基本建设、技术改造、技术引进和新技术的开发与推广应用等方面投入很大,但生产技术装备水平仍很低。全省主要生产及生产辅助设备达到80年代以上水平的不足10%;70年代水平的占20%;50至60年代、还有些是30至40年代的占70%。这是“八五”期间如何改变企业设备陈旧落后面貌,提高现有装备素质所面临的现实问题。 一、“八五”期间企业设备管理的任务 “八五”期间,是实现我国工业、农业、国防和科学技术现代化第二步战略目标的关键五年。第二步战略目标的基本要求之一,是在提高经济效益和优化经济结构的基础上,国民生产总值按1980年不变价计算再翻一番,为下一 In 1990, the gross national product of our province reached 130.7 billion yuan, and there were 26,526 independent accounting industrial enterprises. The original value of fixed assets was 114.8 billion yuan, of which equipment fixed assets accounted for about 60%. Despite the fact that since the reform and opening up, especially since the 7th Five-Year Plan, major investments have been made in basic construction, technological transformation, technology introduction, and the development and application of new technologies, but the level of production technology and equipment is still very low. The province’s main production and production auxiliary equipment reached less than 10% of the levels of the 1980s; 20% of the levels in the 1970s; 70% of the 50s and 60s, and some 30-40s. This is a realistic problem facing how to change the obsolete appearance of corporate equipment and improve the quality of existing equipment during the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period. I. The tasks of enterprise equipment management during the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period The “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period is the key five-year period for achieving the second-step strategic goal of China’s industrial, agricultural, national defense, and scientific and technological modernization. One of the basic requirements of the second-step strategic goal is to increase the economic efficiency and optimize the economic structure. The GNP is calculated at the constant price of 1980 and then doubled.
据Elsevier Advanced Technorogy杂志调查,与目前整个制造业不景气的形势相反,欧洲仪表工业呈现出活跃景象,控制器和控制系统的年增长率为2.9%,传感器为5.9%,传输和显示过程仪
继441厂在1983年《建洋型自动操舵仪》(1988年通过复评)和1988年491厂的《高压氧舱》获得国家优质产品银牌奖之后,今年441厂生产的《XDB50-A 型单、三相电度表检验台》又获