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目的 综述有关军事飞行人员睡眠现状调研和卫生保障对策的研究进展. 资料来源与选择 国内外该领域的相关文献资料. 资料引用 引用公开发表的文献资料70篇. 资料综合 研究表明,军事飞行人员睡眠的主要影响因素包括生理心理应激、任务安排导致睡眠节律紊乱、不良生活方式等.军事飞行人员睡眠障碍的常见类型包括心理生理性失眠、昼夜节律性睡眠障碍、缺睡综合征、阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome,OSAHS),以及其他类型的如发作性睡病.采用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(Pittsburgh sleep quality index,PSQI)量表、多导睡眠图监测等主客观方法的测评结果显示,该群体睡眠障碍的发生率较高.睡眠障碍对军事飞行人员的不良影响主要表现为认知与模拟飞行操作能力下降、前庭功能稳定性与空间定向能力降低、飞行疲劳加重并危及飞行安全.针对军事飞行人员睡眠障碍的卫生保障对策主要包括合理安排作息、强化航空生理心理训练、开展睡眠监测和睡眠障碍相关病症的临床诊治、睡眠与觉醒功能的合理用药调控,以及飞行疲劳监测预警技术应用等. 结论 军事飞行人员的睡眠障碍较为突出,应采取综合卫生保障措施维护该群体的睡眠健康水平和作业能力.“,”Objective To review the research advances related to the investigations on the sleep status of military aircrew and the medical countermeasures.Literature resource and selection Relevant articles published in China and abroad.Literature quotation Seventy published references were cited.Literature synthesis Many studies have shown that the main influencing factors of sleep in military aircrew were psychophysiological stress,task scheduling induced sleep rhythm disorder,unhealthy living style and etc.The common types of sleep disorders in military aircrew were psychophysiological insomnia,circadian rhythm sleep disorder,sleep deficiency syndrome,obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) and some other kinds of sleep raletd diseases,such as narcolepsy.The investigation results suggested the high incidence of sleep disorders in military aircrew by using Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI) questionnaire survey,polysomnographic sleep monitoring and some other methods.The main adverse effects of sleep disorders on military aircrew were the decreases on cognitive function and simulated flying performance,the degration on vestibular functional stability and the spatial orientation ability,and the aggravation on flight fatigue and those threatened to flight safety.The comprehensive medical support measures on maintaining the sleep quality of military aircrew included the rational work rest plan,the reinforced aviation psychological and physiological training,sleep monitoring,diagnosis and treatment of sleep-related diseases,medication control of sleep and arousing,application of flight fatigue early-warning techniques and so on.Conclusions It is demonstrated that the high incidence of sleep disorders existed in military aircrew,and the comprehensive medical support measures should be adopted for improving the sleep quality and operational performance of military aircrew.
The irrigation method used in winter wheat fields affects micro-environment factors, such as relative humidity(RH) within canopy, soil temperature, topsoil bulk
目的探讨运动联合饮食干预对长远航患有轻中度非酒精性脂肪性肝病(nonalcoholic fatty liver disease,NAFLD)艇员的效果。方法从第26批亚丁湾护航编队补给舰全体艇员中,根据超声诊断选出22例患有轻至中度NAFLD的艇员。长远航8个月期间,进行运动及饮食干预,分别于出海前(0个月)、长航中期(4个月)、长航末期(8个月)观察22例艇员肝脏超声影像、体质量、体脂率、身体质
目的 总结肝癌射频消融(RFA)的临床经验并探讨评价RFA疗效的方法 .方法 对49例肝癌病人进行了统一方案的RFA治疗,其中男43例,女6例;年龄39~72岁,平均(56.4±9.3)岁.肿瘤直径1.
目的 调查和分析民航飞行人员鼾症发病率、中重度鼾症发病率、危险因素以及和日间嗜睡的关系. 方法 采用整群抽样调查法,对1 400名民航飞行人员进行问卷调查,内容包括个人一
目的观察温水浴复温与被动复温对长时程海水浸泡体温过低症SD大鼠肺脏病理损伤及动脉血气的影响。方法100只雄性成年SD大鼠随机均分为正常对照组(不做任何处理),低温实验组(20 ℃海水浸泡24 h),被动复温组1、2、3、4(20 ℃海水浸泡24 h+被动复温,分别在复温后0、3、6、12 h处死),温水浴复温组1、2、3、4(20 ℃海水浸泡24 h+温水浴复温,分别在复温后0、3、6、12 h处