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[新闻背景] 上个世纪90年代中期,我省连续发生了阜新艺苑歌舞厅、鞍山商场和沈阳商业城三起特大恶性火灾事故,人员伤亡和财产损失惨重这三起火灾的发生,充分暴露了当时全省消防工作存在的责任制不落实、消防安全管理机制不完善、城市公共消防设施欠账严重等突出问题,省委省政府冷静分析、认真反思,以火灾暴露出的问题为突破口,积极探索消防工作的新思路和新途径 1997年6月18日,全省消防工作会议适时召开。此次会议之后,各级党委和政府不断加强对消防工作的领导,全省火灾形势平稳,连续7年没有特大恶性火灾事故发生,为经济建设和社会发展创造出稳定的消防安全环境。 今年是贯彻落实党的“十六大”精神,全面建设小康社会的开局之年。本届政府充分认识到特殊时期消防工作的重要性,在省、市政府换届,许多主管消防工作的领导有所变动后,针对消防工作出现的新问题和过去存在一些老问题,集全省政要,聚首沈城,共谋消防大计。 [News Background] The mid-90s of last century, the province occurred consecutive Fuxin Yiyuan song and dance halls, shopping malls in Anshan and Shenyang Commercial City three major malignant fire accidents, casualties and property losses were the three fires occurred, fully exposed At that time, the responsibility system for fire prevention in the province was not implemented, the fire safety management mechanism was imperfect, and serious problems such as urban public fire facilities were in serious debts. The provincial party committee and government held a calm analysis and seriously reconsidered. Taking the problems exposed by the fire as a breakthrough point, Exploration of new ideas and new ways of fire prevention work On June 18, 1997, the province’s fire protection work conference was held in due time. After the meeting, Party committees and governments at all levels continued to strengthen their leadership over fire prevention work. The fire situation in the province remained stable. No serious and serious fire accident occurred for seven consecutive years, creating a stable fire and safety environment for economic construction and social development. This year marks the first year of implementing the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the CPC and building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. This government has fully realized the importance of fire prevention work in special times. After the change of provincial and municipal governments and the leadership of many firefighting work, there are some old problems in fire prevention work and some old problems in the past, , Gathered in Shencheng, conspiracy fire plan.
龙源电力西藏那曲高海拔试验风电项目首批5台风机顺利完成吊装,后续工程正在紧张的施工中。那曲高海拔试验风电项目位于西藏那曲地区那曲县,建于4 900米海拔的高原上,占地约3
近日,石铁分局邯郸建筑段工会积极组织工会专兼职干部认真学习“两会”精神,深刻领会《政府工作报告》的实质,重新制订、调整今年的工作方针和工作思路。 Recently, the co