Application of Fisher method to discriminating earthquakes and explosions using criterion m_b/M_S

来源 :Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dsvs123456
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We try to give a quantitative and global discrimination function by studying mb/MS data using Fisher method that is a kind of pattern recognition methods. The reliability of the function is also analyzed. The results show that this criterion works well and has a global feature, which can be used as first-level filtering criterions in event identifi- cation. The quantitative and linear discrimination function makes it possible to identify events automatically and achieve the goal to react the events quickly and effectively. We try to give a quantitative and global discrimination function by studying mb / MS data using Fisher method that is a kind of pattern recognition methods. The reliability of the function is also analyzed. The results show that this criterion works well and has a global feature , which can be used as first-level filtering criterions in event identifi- cation. The quantitative and linear discrimination function makes it possible to identify events automatically and achieve the goal to react the events quickly and effectively.
【摘要】建设创新型国家需要创新型的人才。高职院校作为培养高素质应用型人才的主要场所,必须对学生进行创新能力的培养,应结合各学科的不同特点将创新教育寓于其中,应用写作教学也毫不例外。本文试图结合应用写作的特点探讨有关创新教育的问题。  【关键词】创新教育 应用写作 教学实践  【中图分类号】G71【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)07-0084-02  党中央、国务院作出了
Some researches have been made in this aspect.In the method by Walton Jr.(1992),incidentwaves are supposed to be the overlapping result of M component waves wit
今年要基本建成的东雷抽黄续建等六大重点水利工程,是省委、省政府和全省人民关注和期盼的重点工程。 This year to be basically completed the construction of six major