大胆改革 重点突破——建立健全适应市场经济的财政运行机制

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近年来,聊城市围绕建立适应市场经济的财政运行机制,突出抓了财源建设、收支平衡、预算外资金管理和乡镇财政建设四个重点,确保财政收入的增长与经济发展同步,用足用好政策与建立健全地方财税体制结合,强化财政收入与合理控制支出结合。1996年,聊城市地方财政收入首次突破了亿元大关,达到1.03亿元,比上年增长43.6%,可用财力达到1.65亿元,比上年增长29.6%,地方财政收入和可用财力的增长幅度均创历史最高水平。预计今年地方财政收入可达1.3亿元,可用财力可突破两亿元大关。一、加快财源建设步伐,健全地方财源体系 (一)加大财政支农力度,夯实基础财源。 In recent years, focusing on the establishment of a fiscal operation mechanism that adapts to the market economy, Liaocheng has focused on four key points: financial resources construction, balance of payments, extra-budgetary fund management and township financial construction so as to ensure that the growth of fiscal revenue is synchronized with economic development. Good policies and establish and improve the local fiscal and taxation system combined with the strengthening of financial income and reasonable control of the combination of spending. In 1996, the local financial revenue of Liaocheng exceeded the mark of 100 million yuan for the first time to reach 103 million yuan, an increase of 43.6% over the previous year. The available financial resources reached 165 million yuan, an increase of 29.6% over the previous year. The local financial revenue and available financial resources increased Both have reached the highest level in history. Local fiscal revenue this year is expected to reach 130 million yuan, available financial resources can exceed 200 million yuan mark. First, to speed up the pace of construction of financial resources and improve the local financial resources system (A) to increase financial support for agriculture, consolidate the basis of financial resources.
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