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树精尼卡的模样太怪了,都300岁了,可个子还是像五六岁的孩子那样矮小,绿绿的皮肤、鼓鼓的眼睛、大大的鼻子、尖尖的耳朵,头发一直拖到地上,整天都穿着树皮做的衣服。尼卡非常害怕别人笑话他,所以他从来都不敢交朋友。每当月圆之夜,森林里的精灵们都会举行篝火晚会,唱歌跳舞,热闹非凡。而孤独的尼卡只能躲得远远的,看着精灵们的狂欢。 The look of the tree was too weird, both 300 years old, tall and small, greenish skin, bulging eyes, big nose, sharp ears and hair all the way to the ground , Dressed in bark clothes all day long. Nika was so afraid of joking about him that he never dared to make friends. Whenever the full moon night, the forest elves will hold a bonfire, singing and dancing, crowded. The lonely Nika can only hide away, watching the spree of the carnival.
叶列·麦奇尼科夫,是俄国著名的科学家。他由于发现白血球这一人体卫士,为免疫学奠定基础而荣获了1908年的诺贝尔生理学及医学奖。 麦奇尼科夫认为,衰老往往与大肠有关。因
史可鉴让我来为他写着篇小传。他这人并不特别热衷于谈论自己,他觉得这样太傲慢了,太野心勃勃了。同时觉得这样太做秀了——确实有许多人是这样往自己脸上贴金的。 History
Colorectal cancer(CRC)is a very common malignancy in the Western World and despite advances in surgery,chemotherapy and screening,it is still the second leading
雪里蕻炒肉丝 此菜闻着香,吃时香,回味有清香,被扬州民间誉勾满嘴香,是秋、冬季扬州家庭喜食之佳肴。 原料:猪里脊肉250克,雪里蕻750克,酱油25克,精盐2克,绍酒10克,熟猪油15
Ingredients: 8 shrimp (about 500g), 50 grams of oil, 150 grams of egg white, a little salt, MSG, pepper powder, Shaoxing wine, coriander, sesame, flour and sug
AIM:To study the cancer stem cell population in esophageal cancer cell lines KYSE-150 and TE-1 and identify whether the resulting stem-like spheroid cells displ
发式美是青春美的重要标志。选取一种适宜的发式可使女士们的青年容貌更秀美。选择发式的因素很多,如脸型、身材、年龄等。那么怎样根据脸型选择适宜的发式呢? 长脸型——前
Specialty:Theory of Literature This dissertation aims to illustrate the existing mode of literature(abbreviated as EML in this paper) as the basic theoretical i