Biomarker geochemistry of marine organic matter in the Hushan and Chaohu areas,Lower Yangtze region

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cyuaxl
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Marine strata are widely exposed in the Hushan and Chaohu areas, Lower Yangtze region. As biomarker geochemistry of the strata has not been well documented, this paper deals with the biomarker composition of representative samples collected from the Silurian, Carboniferous and Triassic systems and their geological implications, thus providing clues to marine organic matter. On the basis of experimental results, it is shown that abundant biomarkers (e.g. n-alkanes, isoprenoids, terpanes and steranes) were detected. As organic matter in the strata is highly to over mature in general based on petrologic microobservation, some biomarkers (mainly n-alkanes) except terpanes and steranes cannot reflect the source, depositional environment and maturity of organic matter. Thus, primarily based on analyses of the terpanes and steranes, it is suggested that organic matter in the Silurian and Carboniferous strata is derived mainly from lower organisms, while higher plants are predominant in the Triassic organic matter. This further indicates that the depositional environment may have transformed from the marine to continental facies in the Late Triassic. These results provide new evidence for the study of regional depositional evolution, and have enriched the study of biological composition of organic matter. In addition, the biomarker geochemistry of organic matter at high to over maturation stage is addressed. Marine strata is widely exposed in the Hushan and Chaohu areas, Lower Yangtze region. As biomarker geochemistry of the strata has not been well documented, this paper deals with the biomarker composition of representative samples collected from the Silurian, Carboniferous and Triassic systems and their geological implications, thus providing clues to marine organic matter. On the basis of experimental results, it is shown that promising biomarkers (eg n-alkanes, isoprenoids, terpanes and steranes) were detected. As organic matter in the strata is highly to over mature in general based on petrologic microobservation, some biomarkers (mainly n-alkanes) except terpanes and steranes can not reflect the source, depositional environment and maturity of organic matter. Thus, based on analyzes of the terpanes and steranes, it is suggested that organic matter in the Silurian and Carboniferous strata is derived mainly from lower organisms, while higher plants are predominant in the Tr This is provide provide evidence for the study of regional depositional evolution, and have enriched the study of biological composition of organic matter. In addition, the biomarker geochemistry of organic matter at high to over maturation stage is addressed.
抗角蛋白自身抗体(AK auto Ab)的研究自从其被发现以来已取得很大进展[1].我们曾经使用间接对比法和吸附试验观察过AK auto Ab对角朊细胞的作用[2],但该方法有其明显的不足,为能更客观地观察AKautoAb对角朊细胞的作用,我们应用纯化的AKa uto Ab直接观察该抗体对培养角朊细胞增殖代谢的影响。
当今的时代背景给教育工作者们提出了新的挑战,培养学生的创新能力成为素质教育改革中的一个重要目标。本文在简要阐述创新能力的重要性和内涵的基础上,分析了目前数学教学中在培养学生创新能力方面存在的问题,并从教育者的角度提出了相应的解决办法,以期改善当前创新能力培养不足的现状。  【关键词】数学教学;创新;培养  1 前言  在信息化、全球化高速发展的今天,各类知识和信息更新换代速度极快,让人应接不暇。党
我有一位同事,心灵手巧四个字用在他身上丝毫不为过,无论电工、木工、建筑工、水暖工他都可以手到擒来。不过,虽然他什么都会一点,但哪一行都做得不精,所以直到退休前,他都还只是后勤部的一个普通员工,每天做着杂七杂八的零碎事。  而我的一个朋友则恰恰相反:他自幼喜欢绘画,从小学开始就参加了绘画兴趣班,进入中学后则选修了美术专业,由于过人的绘画天赋和功底,他高考时以极高的专业成绩顺利考入一所著名的美术学院。